Types of Family in Nigeria

In this article, we’ll be discussing the different types of families in Nigeria. Read on to discover what they are. 

Types of Family in Nigeria

The types of families in Nigeria would be discussed below:

  • Nuclear Family

The nuclear family is the most common type of family in Nigeria. A Nuclear family is made up of a father, mother, and children. When grandparents live with the couple, then that family is not a nuclear one. Another scenario is if one of the parents does not live with the other parent and the kids, that also is not considered a nuclear family.

When looking closely at what a nuclear family truly is, one might see a family that has adopted children and feel it is not a nuclear family. In an actual sense, as long as both parents live together to raise their kids whether adopted or biological, that is a nuclear family. 

In most cases, there is mostly financial stability in nuclear families since both parents live together. There is a high chance that both parents work and earn a living. This generally improves the standard of living of the family. Another advantage of the nuclear family is that the children are usually raised in a normal and stable parenting pattern. They are raised with the love and attention of both of their parents.

In some cases, members of nuclear families struggle with the problem of resolving their conflicts and differences. In other cases, the children get to have both parents serving as role models. This factor tends to build a very strong, successful, and happy family. 

  • Extended Family

A typical extended family is made up of a married couple, their children, one or both grandparents, and other relatives like aunts, uncles, and cousins, all living together under the same roof. In a situation where there is a child from a previous relationship or marriage living with the couple along with the whole bunch, then that is not an extended family. 

There is something known as an incomplete extended family. This type of extended family is made up of a single parent with children, their grandmother or grandfather, or both, as well as other relatives, all living together. This family is termed incomplete because both parents are not involved. 

A typical extended family faces challenges such as during the whole course of bringing up the children in the family, everybody present in the home would likely want to have an opinion on how to raise the children. Another disadvantage of the extended family is that there is a problem with finances. In a situation where the parents are now financially supporting many adults and children without receiving any financial aid from them, it could pose a problem. There is also the problem of privacy. Most extended families living together do not have privacy. This could be different depending on the type of house they live in. 

The old people living in the home could receive special care and attention. This is a strong advantage of the extended family. Also, when the parents go to work, the people at home can help them look after their kids. Members of the family can always help out with all the house chores and other things, especially when an unforeseen circumstance occurs. 

  • Childless Family

A childless family is the type of family in which the married couple decides they do not want to have children. It is also a family where the couple cannot have children. In our Nigerian society, a childless family is not seen as a complete family because it does not resemble the conventional family type which consists of a father, mother, and of course children. 

Many factors make a family be termed a childless family. These factors include the problem of infertility. A spouse might be battling fertility issues that hinder the ability of the couple to bear children. Another reason a family might be termed a childless family is when one of the parents has a genetic disease that could be transmitted to their offspring if they go ahead and conceive a baby. The married couple can then decide they do not want to bear children so they do not transfer the disease to their offspring. Also, if both parents are career oriented they can both decide they do not want to have kids yet since they would not have time to bring up their kids. Furthermore, couples who do not have a strong source of livelihood can decide they do not want to bear kids until their finances improve. 

Most childless families do not have responsibilities saddled on them as they do not have children that depend on them. The family can also have a lot of money to spend without the fear of having kids to fend for. The couples in this type of family always have more time for themselves and have the liberty to travel however they wish as long as they can afford it. They also have the opportunity to pursue their career and further their education. 

  • Single Parent Family

This type of family is made up of one parent with one or more children. This type of family can be a result of having a child out of wedlock, the demise of one of the parents, divorce, or when the couple is separated and living separately. In a single-parent family, family members and relatives, even friends help the parent in raising the children. When the parent goes to work, this support system can help take care of the children. 

In Nigeria, today, seeing this type of family is not a new thing. Just as we have the nuclear family, we also have the single-parent family. Members of this type of family tend to become close-knitted since they get to spend time together. They also get to learn how to do household chores together as a family. One of the disadvantages of the single-parent family is that since it is only made up of one parent, he or she tends to bear the financial responsibility in the family. Therefore, the family has to struggle to live on one income. 

Bringing up children alone as a single parent can be very demanding. Kids also growing up without one of their parents can also be very difficult. Hence, both the kids and their parents would mostly have to rely on one another for love and support at all times thus building a strong family bond.

  • StepFamily

  • Grandparents Family