How to Become an OAP in Nigeria

If you are wondering what OAP means, it means on-air personality. Radio personalities are also called on-air personalities, hosts or announcers. The job of an on-air personality varies from playing music, providing commentary, and interviewing guests for different programs on-air. The position of an on-air personality requires creativity because you are the one responsible for generating new ideas and content for the audience. Aside from working in a studio, radio personalities are also required to make appearances at shows and events. They must interact with event promoters and audiences over the phone, in person, and through social media. You can also refer to on-air personalities as media personalities and content creators. This is because they come up with content for the radio station by posting material content on the station’s social media platform. Radio personalities also do some copy-writing for businesses that come to place adverts on the radio station.

How to Become an OAP in Nigeria

There is strong competition for radio personality jobs in the media industry. A career as an on-air radio personality has always been admirable. Many people desire to get on the radio. A radio personality job comes with fame and prestige. The responsibilities of a radio personality can be much. For example, most entry-level positions as radio personalities work irregular and long hours. When starting a career as a radio personality, one may need to start out with small audiences and take baby steps. Are you interested in a career as a radio personality, this article provides you with information on how to become an On-air personality and a successful one at that.

How to Become an OAP in Nigeria

Read on below:

Being a radio personality requires that one has strong on-air skills and experience. Below are steps on how to become an on-air personality.

Research on the Career

If you want a career as radio personnel, you must research well and know about the field you want to go into. Find out the requirements needed for your particular job or station you want to work with. Usually, employers decide specific details of what they want from an applicant for a job.

Do not be ashamed to start small

Most popular radio personalities almost always start in an entry-level position before moving up the ranks. Several years of work experience may be necessary before a candidate might get a chance at hosting a show of his or her own. An entry-level work allows you to build your confidence and voice and draw an audience.

Earn a Degree

Often times, radio personalities have a bachelor’s degree in communications, journalism, or broadcasting. While having a degree may not be entirely necessary, having some learning in courses that have to do with communication helps radio personalities have basic knowledge of the job.  Other courses one can take include public speaking, writing, and news reporting. You can speak to professionals in the field to determine the best way to achieve your goal.

Listen to radio programs

As an aspiring radio personality, it is important you listen to the radio. This will help you have a solid knowledge of the operations of the radio. Make yourself familiar with so many stations, programmes, and contents. From there you will see how other radio hosts handle programs and shows. When you listen to various programs, you also get to learn where you fit in and the kinds of shows you will like to host. Do not underestimate how much you can learn from listening to others talk, you will learn how to be confident in presenting and coordinating yourself. It is also important you listen to radio shows so that if you happen to get an opportunity to meet a radio personality or have an interview, you can be confident in talking about what they do and what contributions you can make to the growth of the radio station. Listening to radio programs also helps to give you a clearer view of what you want to do as a radio personality.

Be Creative

When you become more involved with radio shows and programs, you will start to gain ideas and more clarity in what interests you in the industry. When these ideas come, make sure you write it down. It is best you start nurturing and finetuning your ideas so when the right opportunity comes, you can jump on it. These ideas can include Youtube Vlogs or Podcasts. When you begin working on your own ideas, it gives an employer the confidence that you can handle their own business too. It also gives you the confidence to walk into a radio station, make creative contributions, and give expert advice on how to run things.

Get that proposal ready 

When you have started your journey of clarity in your career as a radio personality, you should start thinking of how to pitch your idea to individuals or to a radio station. Time and chance do happen. Imagine if you meet someone who already works in a radio station, how do you pitch your ideas or convince the person that you are talented, hardworking and can be singled out from thousands of folks who also want this job you yearn for. This is why having your idea in written form would go a long way in helping you in those impromptu moments. Having a written proposal also makes you look serious and ready for the job.

Seek that internship

Internship and work experience are important parts of getting a job at any radio station. Some even consider this more important than actual education. When you intern, you get to have practical lessons from presenters and familiarize yourself with the studio, equipment, and other things. Internships also help your resume look better and packed. Lastly, internships give you the opportunity to meet people. Many people have had more jobs handed down to them from their internship. Many colleges have on-campus radio stations, so students can gain on-air experience before leaving school.

To get an internship position, sometimes all you need to do is to walk into a radio station, leave a proposal or application letter where you can pitch your content ideas, drop your demo and promise to check back.

Good luck with taking steps on achieving your goals.

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