Hausa Movies: How to Download Hausa Movies Online

Hausa movies have some of the most interesting and super plotted story lines in the Nigerian movie industry. They have only not been firing at the fore front of Nollywood because of marketing and sponsorship. There are also more Hausa movie fans than you could possibly think possible.

Downloading Hausa movies online is the better option, compared to streaming for mobile network users in Nigeria and there are a lot of sites that one can fluently download their favourite Hausa movies but the list below contains ‘only’ safe sites. Most of them are wapka sites because their major purpose is to provide content for users to stream or download.

Download Hausa movies: Codedwap

Coded Wap is an old wapka site and the files for download are uploaded in the safe You can get your favourite Hausa movie here without the fear of downloading a virus in conjunction.


Download Hausa movies: NaijaPals

Naiaj pals always come to the rescue of various Nollywood movie lovers. Downloading on this site is free and you can even recommend your downloads to your ‘Pals’ and share it on your social media platforms if you like.


Download Hausa movies: Naij

Naij is a very popular news site but their entertainment section offers a lot to entertainment lovers. Their movie download section has nice but old Hausa movie collections (a bit scanty on new movies). Naij’s download is also very safe and free.


Download Hausa movies: Fineloft

Like its name, fine loft is one of the finest wapka sites around offering free download channels to Nollywood movie lovers. Their Hausa movie shelf is not bad either. “Save link as” should work if normally clicking on the “Download” button doesn’t begin your downloads.


Download Hausa movies: Skycoded

Sky Coded is another wapka site that allows on download safe and secure contents. Sky coded isn’t really as updated as it used to be but if you need some really nice old Hausa action packed movies, then you should check them out.


Download Hausa movies: FilesNg

Files NG is probably the most packed site on this list. Their Hausa movie lovers would have the problem of choosing which movie to download. Their download channels are also secure and very fast.


Download Hausa movies: Cliqwap

More like a combination of a vlog and a wapka site, cliqwap gives users a whole lot of Nollywood and Hausa movies to choose from. Downloads are also free.


Download Hausa movies: Waploaded

Yes, yes, the very popular waploaded. They’ve got Hausa films and not a few of them. From action, thriller to just drama and oldies; you can find it on waploaded and download.


Download Hausa movies: Glomovie

Glo Movie is a well-designed wapka site with a very nice interface. They have quite a number of Hausa movies for Hausa movie lovers. They also have a mobile app, so you know when the movie drops.


How to download Hausa Movies Online: Step by Step

  • Visit your preferred download site.
  • Use the site search bar to search for the Hausa movie you have in mind.
  • Click on download. (It’ll probably redirect you to the upload site)
  • If it redirects, click on “Download” or “Save Link As”
  • Wait till it’s completed and enjoy your movie.

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