Nigeria SSS Salary Scale Structure (State Security Service)

In this write-up, you will get to learn about how much the officers of the State Security Services collect as salaries on monthly basis. In addition, you will get to learn about the official website, the recruitment processes and the functions of this government organization.

The State Security Service can also be referred to as the Department of State Services (DSS).  This body is the main body responsible for intelligence gathering in Nigeria.  The State Security Service is directly controlled by the presidency and their heads are chosen by the office of the President, Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The Nationwide event security Adviser is appointed by the president to manage the affairs of the State Security Service and the NSA also has a say in the appointments and operations of the State Security Service.

Their function includes protecting all senior government officials, which include the governors of the 36 states in Nigeria and the President Federal Republic of Nigeria.  When any foreign envoy comes to Nigeria, it is also the duty of the State Security Service to protect the foreign envoy. If you are a resident of LA County and you have been accused of a crime then is appropriate to consult a criminal defense lawyer immediately to make sure you are given the proper legal advice. While there are federal laws to govern every crime committed, there are some states that implement their own criminal laws in addition to the federal laws on crimes. An LA county criminal defense lawyer would be in the best position to give legal advice on this matter. Being accused of a crime can mean losing your property, your friends, your job, even your life. Any person who wants to protect these things should make sure he is being given the best legal strategy that can help him win the case or make the sentence lighter and more bearable. When choosing a criminal defense lawyer in LA County, the accused should make sure that he is getting the services of a reputable lawyer who has earned the respect of his colleagues as well as of the court officials. This would increase the chances of winning the defense as well as getting justice for the accused. You can check this Official Website for the JEFFERSON COUNTY CRIMINAL DEFENSE LAWYERS. A person seeking for a qualified LA county criminal defense lawyer should not worry because most LA county lawyers have their own websites from where they can get the information they want. Their websites do not only show useful contact information for criminal defense lawyers but they also offer free legal consultation to prospective clients. The person accused of a crime or his family can consult with the lawyer either personally or through the internet. A person who has been accused of a crime should seek a criminal defense lawyer even if he believes he is innocent of the charges. There are legal procedures being followed by most states and this includes the issuance of a warrant of arrest. Even if the accused is innocent of the criminal charges a warrant can still be issued for his arrest and he can still be put to jail. Not all people are aware of the legal procedures being followed by the courts so to make sure that the accused gets the best legal advice, he should consult with an experienced criminal defense lawyer. The criminal defense lawyer can advise the accused of his rights even before he is arrested as well as once arrested. And even if the accused has been arrested he can still apply for bail depending on the type of crime he has allegedly committed. Some criminals lounging in jail are innocent but they failed to get the services of an experienced criminal defense attorney so their cases were not properly pleaded in court. There are legal principles that may absolve the accused form the crime charged but only the criminal defense lawyers can advise him of these principles. It is important to get a lawyer from LA County because he is presumed to know the federal and state laws applicable to your case. Such lawyer would also be more knowledgeable about the courts and the strategies of the district attorneys in LA County and can thus provide the accused the best legal strategy for his case.

What are their functions?

Just as hinted earlier, the State Security Service is saddled with the responsibility of protecting foreign envoys, state governors, the President Federal Republic of Nigeria and all other top government officials.

In addition, they protect Nigeria from any domestic threat. They also uphold and are responsible for enforcing criminal law in Nigeria.  Both the federal and state governments depend on the State Security Service for criminal justice services. The Vice President, the Senate President, the Speaker House of Representatives and other top officials are also protected by the State Security Service.

Aside from protecting these top government officials, the men of the State Security Service are also responsible for protecting members of family of these government officials. Furthermore, the State Security Service is responsible for protecting all past presidents as well as their spouses. If anyone is running for presidency, that person and his vice presidential candidate must be protected by the State Security Service too. However, this form of protection is not extended to all the candidates; only very popular candidates, who may have become very popular and may, therefore attract threats are the ones protected by the State Security Service.

Security threats in Nigeria and elsewhere can evolve and the State Security Service is expected to adapt itself to new forms of threat that may surface. They are responsible for counter-insurgency activities and counter-terrorism.

Salary structures of the State Security Service

According to a reliable source of information, we can authoritatively reveal to you that the Director-General of the State Security Service receives up to N1 million per month.  However, no information could be obtained about how much the other members of staff of the State Security Service receive per month. This is because information about their salaries is classified and not made available for public consumption.

Activities of the State Security Service

Virtually all the activities carried out by the State Security Service are classified; that is, they are not made public.  The truth is that even their employment is classified. Many of them do not get retired. They continue operating for long and they are consistent in their service delivery. They are able to operate in complete secrecy and they are able to penetrate into the most difficult places to get required information.

If you are looking for masters at espionage, the State Security Service are the ones to consider. They are experts when it comes to operating underground.  They maintain high level of secrecy in their works too. They never reveal; anything they do to outsiders, not even to any member of their families.

It is normal for humans to seek satisfaction from praises on the street. This is not the case with men of the State Security Service. They prefer to seek satisfaction in how they feel inwardly about their secret works rather than what the people on the street have to say; this is part of the drilling they have been given over time, especially when they were first recruited.

Most State Security Service officials are plainclothesmen.  Some of them work only as State Security Service officials and they usually wear uniform with DSS boldly written on them. There are some other members of the State Security Service that work as naval staff members, businessmen, businesswomen, civil servants, soldiers and even policemen.

These ones do not wear State Security Service uniform but they are always in contact with the State Security Service head office. This way, they are able to mix with the generality of Nigerians to get information about very important national issues without ever revealing their personality as State Security Service officials.

State Security Service recruitment Application

The Nigeria Air Force, Navy, Army, and Police have specific time that they announce employment opportunities for Nigerians. This is not the case with the State Security Service. They can decide to recruit people at just anytime for that matter.  Those who are shortlisted for employment will be taken through several tests and also given considerably intensive training. The trainings can go on for as long as 6 months or more.

Before anyone can be counted as qualified for employment, the individual must possess minimum of WAEC or NECO certificates.  They also employ higher institution graduates if the individuals have relevant degrees and qualifications.

Over the years, the State Security Service had been involved in several activities across Nigeria.  For one, they arrested Omar Mohammed Ali Rezaq, who was an Egyptian bomber. He was arrested in 1993 when he was attempting to gain entry into Nigeria via the Nigeria-Benin Republic border.

Aside from the above, the State Security Service also has other recorded successes. Be that as to may, they have also failed in some instances. For example, they permitted Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab to board Northwest Airlines flight from Lagos despite the fact that the latter’s father had earlier warned them of his son’s radical views on the United States.

State Security Service headquarters

The State Security Service headquarters is located at Aso Drive in Maitama, Abuja.  The house is called “Yellow House” and it is located n the northern edge of the three-arm zone. Their website is at  Their motto is “Loyalty, Vigilance, Verity.


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