The Nigerian Navy Short Service is a course offered by the Nigerian Navy which gives opportunity to civilians and military personnel to receive the necessary training to be suitable for employment in the Navy.
However, we cannot talk about this short service course without providing details on the organization in charge of the program.
Established in 1914, the Nigerian Navy originated from the Nigerian Marine. The responsibilities of the Nigerian Marine were as follows:
- administration of the ports and harbours;
- dredging of channels,
- buoyage and lighting
- operating ferry services, touring launches, and other small craft that plied the various creeks and other inland waterways
In the year of the amalgamation of the Northern and Southern Protectorate, an important organization in the country at that time, the Nigerian Marine was also split into several departments, one of which was the Nigerian Navy. The other departments which were the product of this split were the Nigerian Ports Authority and the Inland Waterways Department.
The primary responsibility of the Navy was to train personnel and set up the necessary infrastructure for the administrastion of naval activities. At the initial phase of establishing the Navy, the officials was made up of mostly reserve Royal Navy officers as well as ex-Service personnel from the defunct Nigerian Marine.
As a result of the limited number of personnels that were skilled in the discharge of naval duties, the Nigerian Navy would later hold their first basic training for prospective Navy officers. This was called the HMNS QUORRA which commenced on the 1st of November in 1957. During this period, 60 junior ratings underwent a 6 month basic seamanship course.
The progress made with the Navy would later lead to the organization being transformed to a full-fledged Navy with the Queen of England granting the force the permission to use the title ‘Royal Nigerian Navy.’ This happened in July 1959.
However, when Nigeria became a republic in 1963, the title was changed to the Nigerian Navy.
If you’re interested in the Navy, you must have heard some things about the organization. One of such is the Naval Headquarters otherwise called the NHQ.
The NHQ is the administrative unit of the Nigerian Navy and it is headed by the Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS). The CNS is the highest ranking military officer of the Nigerian Navy and the appointment of this office is by the President of the Federal Republic or the Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces. The current chief of the Naval force is Vice Admiral Ibok Ekwe Abas.
There are many things to say about the Navy; however the crux of this post is the Short Service Course which is what we’ll talk about in the subsequent paragraphs.
Nigerian Navy Short Service Requirements
The recruitment in to the Short Service course is a yearly exercise which is carried out by the Nigerian Navy every year. This is usually in April or July and it is made available to both male and female.
However, there are other prerequisites that determine your eligibility if you’re interested in attending the Nigerian Short Service. Below are the requirements:
- O’Level result: You must possess at least 5 credits including English and Mathematics in not more than 2 sittings in your WASSCE/GCE/NECO/NABTEB.
- Age: You must be between the ages of 18 and 26 and you must validate this claim with a birth certificate that has been endorsed by any of the relevant bodies such as the National Population Commission, the Local Government or an accredited hospital.
- Marital status: You must be single as at the time of the application
- Height: You must be at least 1.70 metres in heights if you’re male or 1.67 if you’re female.
- Health: You must be physically and medically fit. If you have any of the following medical cases, you need not apply:
- Sight problem;
- Hearing difficulties;
- Previous major orthopedic operation;
- Flat foot;
- Fracture, stammering or any other natural disability;
- Pregnant women
- Referees: You must provide 2 referees
- State of origin: You must show your state of origin
- Track record: You must have a clean record with no evidence of being an ex-convict.
If you’re a graduate, the direct short service course (DSSC) is more suitable for you. In this case, the major requirement to apply is that you must have completed NYSC or provide proof of exemption. The other prerequisites of the SSC are also applicable.
Usually, it is easy to mix up the Short Service with the Direct Short Service. The difference is the Direct Short Service Commission applicants are mostly graduates that fill up non combat roles while the Short Service commission applicants are trained as combatant.
The Short Service Course takes 9 months to complete.
If you’re qualified to apply, you can do your registration online. First, you have to create an account, then log in with your newly created username and password.
Then you need to enter the serial number and pin provided on the e-voucher which you can buy online.
Every step of the application process is online and you can also submit the form online. It is important you fill the information correctly and avoid grammatical errors.
Usually, the list of candidates is published on the Navy website and these candidates will be invited for an aptitude test on a specified date.
The aptitude test is usually done in the major cities in the country, Abuja, PortHarcourt, Lagos, Kano etc. If you pass the aptitude test, you will be invited for a screening exercise and interview.
At the end of this screening, if you’re qualified, you’ll be admitted in to the Nigerian Navy for the short service course.
Ideally, one of the things you’re expected to submit before commencing your training are letters of recommendation from your referees. If for some reason you can’t get letters of recommendation, you can use the following options:
- letter form the local government chairman or secretary or
- letter from a Police officer from your state of origin whose rank is nothing less than Assistant Inspector General of Police.
Nigerian Navy Short Service: Additional Information
The Nigerian Navy Short Service Course gives opportunity to both civilians and military personnel to get trained on various skills required for the smooth running of the Nigerian Navy.
The course takes about 9 months to complete and individuals given admission will be trained to enable them contribute to the activities of the NN.
If you want your application to be granted by the Nigerian navy, you need to follow the application process very carefully. It all begins with filling the application form properly.
Failure to do this properly can make you lose your opportunity of participating in the Nigerian Navy Short Service Course. In this write-up, you will be given heads-up about certain things that can determine your success when applying for the program.
The Nigerian Navy is very strict as regards eligibility of individuals applying for the Nigerian Navy Short Service Course. There are certain criteria that you must meet up with in order to have the hope of ever being given admission.
You must read the instructions on the application form properly before you fill it. The said application form can be downloaded online. You will also be required to submit it online along with other required documents.
Anyone who is not up to minimum of 5 feet 10 inches should forget about getting admitted for the Nigerian Navy Short Service Course. Truth is the requirements can change from time to time.
This is why it is very important that you read the instructions on the application form and also on Nigerian Navy home page carefully before you attempt to apply for the program.
You can get the required information on eligibility as well as download the application form from
Information on that website is consistently updated to ensure aspiring candidates can get to know all they need to know about the program, its eligibility requirements and application processes.
After reading the information on the site and you find yourself to be qualified to apply, you can then proceed to buy the e-voucher required to do your registration online. The registration portal can be found on the website indicated earlier.
Simply create an account and log in using the username and password you were given while registering.
Price of the e-voucher does change from time to time. Information regarding such change can be found on the website given above. You can sue debit card to buy the e-voucher. You can buy the voucher directly on the website.
The serial number and PIN required to sign up and register an account on the website is provided on the voucher you have purchased.
When filling the form for the Nigerian Navy Short Service Course, make sure you are extremely honest and realistic in the information you provide. The applicant may get disqualified from the exercise if he/she is found to submit false information.
The Navy Authority frowns seriously at candidates manufacturing information or impersonating another candidate. Never think they will not be able to catch you easily if you manufacture information.
While filling the online application form, make sure you avoid all forms of error. Watch out for those little errors that can translate to big issues later and properly correct them before submitting the form.
Be wary of errors in grammar structure and spellings before you make the submission. Some errors may look minor to you, but they can be the determining factor in your success or lack of it.
List of candidates that qualify will be published on the Nigerian navy website. The qualified applicants will then be invited for Aptitude Test. Date of the test will also be published on the website.
The list does not take more than a week or thereabout before it is released. In actual fact, date on which the list will be released can be published on their website. The Aptitude test usually takes place in any of the big cities across Nigeria, like Port Harcourt, Abuja, Lagos and so on.
Those who pass the Aptitude Test will then be invited for screening exercises and Interview. Qualified candidates are then admitted for the Nigerian Navy Short Service Course. Once you are admitted, you will be referred to as a cadet.
Cadets are actually being paid by the Nigerian government. In actual fact, your monthly earning may be up to 50,000 or more. The amount you are paid increases if the course you apply for is of the professional nature.
Before you apply, you must be a graduate from a recognized university or polytechnic. Polytechnic graduates must not have less than Upper Credit. University graduates on the other hand must not have less than Second Class Lower.
If you are applying as military personnel, you must already be running a degree program in a civil university. Your commanding officer must also attest to your application. All applicants are required to submit at least 2 letters of recommendation.
Those who can give such letters of recommendation are your Local Government Secretary, your Local Government Chairman, Police officer from minimum of Assistant Inspector General of Police and high ranking military personnel from your state of origin.
In addition, the letters of recommendation must bear passport photograph of the individuals that recommend you. This gives the whole process a measure of authenticity.
Generally, only those within the age range of 22 and 35 years are considered for admission into the Nigerian Navy Short Service Course. The person can be a male or female and he/she must be a citizen of Nigeria.
He/she is expected to provide the original copies of all his/her certificates; these should be from primary school level to tertiary level. These documents are expected to be attached to the application form and then submitted online.
The applicant must provide original birth certificate and this must be signed by the Nigerian Population Commission or the applicant’s local government authority.
Those that cannot obtain such from their local government or from the National Population Commission can approach a court of law and swear court affidavit. They can present this while carrying out their application for the Nigerian Navy Short Service Course.