Salary Structure in Nigeria: The Full List

Nigerian salary structures are of different types. These salary structures were established by the National Salaries, Incomes and Wages Commission, which is a body directly under the control of the presidency.  The body was established in 1993 and it bases its decisions on salary structures on recommendations handed over since 1960 till present time.


The salary structures provided below are however subject to review from time to time and such updated reviews are always made available for public consumption by the National Salaries, Incomes and Wages Commission.  Purpose is to ensure workers in federal government employment are given their due salaries and wages as and when due.

These types are represented by acronyms. You will learn about these acronyms and their meanings below:

The acronyms

They are



It is acronym for Consolidated Top Federal Public Office Holders Salary Structure.  This is the salary structure on which all top government officials are placed. This includes officials at top hierarchies of both federal and state government employments.

This salary structure was implanted in 2007. The same structure is still being adopted today.


This represents Consolidated Research and Allied Institutions Salary Structure. It is the salary structure on which all staff being employed in all training, research and allied institutions by the federal government.

This affects all such federal government training and research institutions. This salary structure was formalized in 2010 and it had been in use since then.


This is the acronym for Consolidated Tertiary Institutions Salary Structure II. This is the structure on which salaries of non-academic staff members of all federal universities are placed.  It affects all non teaching staff in all federal government owned universities.

The previous one being used was CONTISS I; this was formalized in 2007. CONTISS II was however adopted in 2009.


This is the acronym for Consolidated University Academic Structure. It is the preferred salary structure for all academic staff members in all federal government universities.

It is the salary structure for all members of academic staff union of universities.  This salary structure was implanted in 2010 and it is still in use till now.


This is the acronym for Consolidated Medical Salary Structure. It is the dedicated salary structure for all dental and medical staff members under the employment of the federal government. All medical staff members in federal government owned health institutions are placed under this structure.


This is the acronym for Consolidated Health Salary Structure. It is the salary structure for various health workers like nurses, medical laboratories workers, pharmacists and the likes, who are working under the employment of the federal government in any federal government owned health institutions.


This is the acronym for Consolidated Judicial Salary Structure. It is the salary structure for all judicial employees of the federal government. This is the salary structure under which judges, court clerks, prosecutors and others legal staff members under the employment of the federal government are placed.


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