Labour law is the law that stipulates how the relationship between the employer and the employee is supposed to be in a workplace. The Nigerian labour law includes within it the relationship between the government and its workers, between publicly-owned corporations and their workers and even between private employers and their workers.
The Nigerian labour act of 1990 is divided into Five (5) different parts with each part detailing one particular aspect of the labor law. These have been printed on many labor law compliance posters for employers, these parts are:
- General provisions as to protection of wages, contracts of employment and terms and conditions of employment
- Recruiters and recruiting generally
- Special Classes Of Worker And Miscellaneous Special Provisions
- Supplemental: Records and returns
- Transitional and Saving Provisions
In this article, we are not going to look in-depth at each one of these sections but we are going to discuss the most important provisions of the Nigerian labor law in order to give you an idea of what the law expects of you as an employer of labor or as a worker.
So let’s plunge in!
Provisions for being Employed
The Nigerian Labor Law demands that every employer should prepare a written contract on any case of employment and present the employee with this contract before the end of 90days from his first day on the job. The employment contract should state clearly who the employer is, who the employee is and the conditions of the employment including a description of the job, the hours of work and the pay and what happens during a illness or an injury.
The law also expects that the contract states if other benefits like Pensions or Insurance is attached to the job. A clear description of what will happen in a case that the employee gets injured should also be included, following what the workers compensation law has previously stated.
Provisions for Pregnant and Nursing Women
The Nigerian labor law allows pregnant women a maternity leave from six weeks before the birth of child through six weeks after the birth of child except if she is faced with medical complications. In a case of complications, she is expected to provide the employer a medical certificate attesting the presence of a medical complication.
A breastfeeding woman is allowed two blocks of thirty minutes to breast feed her child.
Provisions for the Injured Worker
The Nigerian law stipulates that an employee’s dependents are entitled to 42months of his earning if he dies as a result of an injury he sustained at work. When the injury doesn’t cause any deaths but disabilities, the employee is expected to receive 54 months earning as compensation.
You should hire a New Haven, CT 06506, USA lawyer if you get injured at work. However, before you hire an attorney, you should report the injury to your manager or supervisor. You will be required to fill out paperwork that documents how the injury occurred. Be as detailed as possible because you may forget what happened in the future. Your employer will send you to a doctor to get treated.
So why should you hire a New Haven, CT 06506, USA lawyer? If you have an injury that is taking too long to heal or if it requires a lot of therapy, you are probably taking a lot of time off work. You can recuperate lost wages by hiring a good workers comp lawyer.
A lawyer can reduce your stress and improve the quality of your life. Experienced Personal injury lawyers Kiley Law Group know the laws and they will negotiate with insurance companies for you. They will make sure you get paid for lost wages, medical expenses, pain, and suffering.
You can find an affordable lawyer. Many lawyers offer free consultations and some only charge fees if the case is won. This is also known as handling cases on a contingency basis. Remember that if you have been unfairly dismissed from your job or if you are looking for employment advice, we recommend you speak to Craig McCracken at Employment Solicitors Leeds.
If your employer is at fault for your injury or illness and if they did not look out for your best interest, you should do something about it. A good lawyer will help you reach an agreement with your employer and he can help you win settlement money. When it comes to cases of unfit work environments, like constant exposure to talc and asbestos, employees can look into hiring mesothelioma lawyers.
If you are not sure whether or not you have a strong case, consult with a lawyer. A lawyer can evaluate your situation and help you build a case. There are many affordable lawyers out there, so don’t worry about the costs. A competent lawyer can also provide you with expert legal advice and they will guide you in the right direction.
If you already filed a claim and it was denied, you should consult with a workers comp lawyer immediately. Your lawyer will fight for you and make sure you get paid for the injury or accident. You have nothing to lose, so it is worth it to find a good attorney.
However, if the injury was caused by carelessness of the worker or by negligence, it is not necessary for the corporation to pay any compensation except at will, or if required by a court of law. We recommend looking at this workplace injury prevention services, in order learn more about workplace injuries.
Foe example motorcycle delivery person will have to recovering from a motorcycle accident in Phoenix at his/her own cost, if he/she broke rules.
ٍSo there you have it! The three most important provisions of the Nigerian labor law but I am more than willing to tell you about any other provision that may interest you.
As always, all you have to do is to ask in the comments below!