How to Calculate CAC Filing Fee in Incorporation in Nigeria 

Are you planning on incorporating a company with the Corporate Affairs Commission in Nigeria? If yes, you would want to know the fees involved in each stage of company incorporation with the CAC in Nigeria. In this article, we would provide the fees associated with CAC filing in incorporation so you’d know what to expect each step of the way. 

How to Calculate CAC Filing Fee in Incorporation in Nigeria 

How to calculate the CAC filing fee in incorporation in Nigeria would be discussed below: 

  • What are the Fees Involved in the Incorporation of a Company with CAC in Nigeria? 

Certain fees are usually spent during the process of incorporating a company with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). Below is a table showing the various fees involved during the process of incorporating a company with the CAC in Nigeria: 

Ltd./Gte Fee (NGN) Small Company Fee (NGN) Private other than small company Fee (NGN) Public Company Fee (NGN)
Name Reservation 500 500 500
Name Reservation for restricted words and Ltd/Gte 5,000 5,000 where applicable  5,000 where applicable  5,000 where applicable 
Incorporation of Company Limited by Guarantee (this includes CTC of first incorporation documents without additional charge)  20,000 Not Applicable (N/A) N/A N/A
Incorporation of private/public company limited by shares (this includes CTC of first incorporation documents without additional charge). Issued share capital of N1 million or less

Incorporation of private/public company limited by shares (this includes CTC of first incorporation documents without additional charge). Issued share capital above N1 million and up to N500 million

Incorporation of private/public company limited by shares (this includes CTC of first incorporation documents without additional charge). Issued share capital above N500 million 





5,000 for every N1 million share capital or part thereof

10,000 for every N1 million share capital or part thereof


5,000 for every N1 million share capital or part thereof

10,000 for every N1 million share capital or part thereof


10,000 for every N1 million share capital or part thereof

15,000 for every N1 million share capital or part thereof

Registration of increase in Issued share capital up to N500 million N/A 5,000 for every N1 million share capital or part thereof 5,000 for every N1 million share capital or part thereof 10,000 for every N1 million share capital or part thereof
Registration of increase in Issued Share capital above N500 million N/A 7,500 for every N1 million share capital or part thereof 7,500 for every N1 million share capital or part thereof 15,000 for every N1 million share capital or part thereof
Change of name 20,000 10,000 20,000 50,000
Registration of Charges 25,000 or 0.35% of the amount secured by the charge, whichever is higher 25,000 or 0.35% of the amount secured by the charge, whichever is higher 25,000 or 0.35% of the amount secured by the charge, whichever is higher 25,000 or 0.35% of the amount secured by the charge, whichever is higher
Memorandum of Satisfaction/Deed of Release 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
Deed of hypothecation  25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
Deed of negative privilege 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
Annual Returns, other post incorporation and miscellaneous filings 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000
Status Report/Letter of Good Standing  5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Historical Search Report (Directors/Officers Information) 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000
Historical Search Report (Shareholding Information)  10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000
Historical Search Report (Particular of Charges/Debentures/Memorandum of Satisfaction)

Historical Search Report (All information)









Due Diligence Search (Self-Service) 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Voluntary Striking Off  50,000 25,000 50,000 100,000
Same day post incorporation filing (in addition to filing fees)

Relisting of company 

Restriction of the director’s residential address

Extension of time to hold Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Certified True Copy of Documents/Extracts





5,000 each





5,000 each





5,000 each





5,000 each

Breakdown of CAC Filing Fees for Incorporation of Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP)

Fee (NGN)
Name Reservation 500
Name Reservation for Restricted Words 5,000
Incorporation and CTC of Registration Documents 20,000
Change of name 10,000
Registration of charges 25,000 or 0.35% of the amount secured by the charge, whichever is higher 
Memorandum of Satisfaction/Deed of Release 25,000
Annual Returns and other post-incorporation and miscellaneous filings 5,000 each
Status Report/Good Standing 5,000
Voluntary Striking off  25,000
Same day post incorporation filing (in addition to filing fees) 30,000 per filing
Relisting 50,000
Restriction of partner’s residential address 30,000
Certified True Copy of Documents/Extracts  5,000 each 

Breakdown of CAC Filing Fees for Incorporation of Limited Partnerships (LP)


Fee (NGN)
Name Reservation  500
Name Reservation for Restricted Words 5,000
Change of name  10,000
Annual Returns of other post-incorporation and miscellaneous filings 5,000 each
Registration and CTC of Registration Documents/Extracts 15,000
Status Report/Letter of Good Standing  5,000
Voluntary Striking-off 25,000
Same day post incorporation filing (in addition to filing fees) 25,000
Relisting 25,000
Restrictions for Partner’s Address 25,000
Certified True Copy of Documents 5,000 each 

Breakdown of CAC Filing Fees for Incorporation of Business Name 

Fee (NGN)
Name Reservation  500
Name Reservation for Restricted Words  5,000 
Registration of CTC of Registration Documents  10,000
Change of Name  10,000
Annual Returns and other post incorporation and miscellaneous filings 3,000 each
Status Report/Letter of Good Standing  5,000
Voluntary Striking-off  10,000
Same day post incorporation filing (in addition to filing fees) 10,000
Relisting  25,000
Restriction of Proprietor’s/Partner Residential Address 25,000
Certified True Copy of Documents/Extract  5,000 each
Application for cessation  10,000

Breakdown of CAC Filing Fees for Incorporation of Incorporated Trustees 


Reservation of Name Fee(NGN)


Registration and CTC of Registration Documents  35,000
Change of Name 25,000
Annual Returns and other post incorporation and miscellaneous filings 5,000 each
Status Report/Letter of Good Standing 5,000
Historical Search Report (for companies that are ten years old and older) 10,000
Same day post incorporation filing (in addition to filing fees) 25,000
Restriction of Trustee’s residential address 25,000
Certified True Copy of Documents/Extract 5,000 each
Notice of Dissolution 20,000