How to Apply for Lagos Ride

LagosRide is an e-hailing service that the Lagos state government set up as one of the efforts to optimize the transit experience of inhabitants of the state. This scheme provides the opportunity for interested persons to become LagosRide captains after going through the verification and onboarding processes.  In this article, we will walk you through the steps to apply for LagosRide, as well as provide every useful information you need to know concerning this smart mobility solution of the Lagos state government. 

How to Apply for Lagos Ride

How to apply for Lagos Ride would be discussed below: 

  • How to Apply for LagosRide 

The application procedure to become a LagosRide driver involves two broad categories. The first step is the pre-qualification/verification stage, while the second stage is the onboarding. We’d discuss each of these application steps in the following paragraphs. 

The first stage of the application process for becoming a captain on LagosRide is pre-qualification/verification. To begin, you’d have to download the LagosRide Driver app from the Google Play Store if your smartphone is an Android, or the App Store if you use an iOS device. After downloading the LagosRide Driver app, input your details as prompted. 

The next thing to do is make a non-refundable payment of N17,000 to go ahead with the verification process. You would receive instructions on how to go about the payment in-app. You would want to pay as soon as you can because priority is given to those who pay immediately. 

After you’ve successfully made the payment of the N17,000, the LagosRide scheme would proceed with your verification process. 

The following are what can be achieved in this stage: 

  • LASDRI (Lagos State Drivers Training Institute) ID
  • NIN (National Identity Number) verification 
  • LASRAA ID verification 
  • Security/Background check 
  • Driver License verification 
  • Address verification 
  • Medical check 

After you might have completed the verification process, you’d need to undergo some training sessions organized by LagosRide. 

These training sessions include the following: 

  • First aid training
  • Soft skills training 
  • Structured training from LASDRI
  • LagosRide driver app training 

The next stage of the application process after the pre-qualification/verification stage is the onboarding stage. In this part of the application process, you’d be required to make a down payment for one of the brand-new cars on the LagosRide platform. There are three options available for you to make a down payment for a car on the LagosRide platform. 

The first option available to make an equity payment is the outright payment which you’d be required to pay N700,000 as your down payment. The second equity payment option is the third-party funding option which would require you to pay 20% of N700,000 plus a loan facility which would be made available to complete the difference. The third equity payment option is for those unable to make the initial down payment for a LagosRide vehicle. In this case, you’d be introduced to a sponsor/partner who would make the initial payment, but 20% of your daily net income would be for the sponsor. 

After you’ve made the down payment for the LagosRide vehicle, you’d be assigned a car and a mobile device. Asides from the car and the mobile phone, the down payment also cover the following: 

  • Registration and insurance 
  • Advance rent payment on dash cam for a month
  • First aid kit 
  • LASG E-Hailing License 

At this point, you’re officially a LagosRide captain.   

  • Important Things You Must Know as a LagosRide Captain 

We will be providing you with some important information concerning being a LagosRide captain. We’d discuss topics like vehicle ownership, maintenance and insurance, debt services, deductions and disbursements, and cash collection. 

Let’s begin with the issue of vehicle ownership. After successful onboarding, you would be assigned a vehicle that would remain a property of Ibile Holdings of the Lagos state government until you complete your debt service. After the initial down payment, N8950 would be deducted daily from your daily fares for the car repayment. This would continue for two years and after the first two-year period, you can go ahead and make an outright payment to clear your outstanding debt. The title and ownership of the car would be transferred to you after you’ve cleared your debt. 

The next issue we think is worthwhile to know is how maintenance and insurance work on the LagosRide platform. All maintenance and insurance considerations would be handled on your behalf.  4% of each trip fare is allocated for maintenance and insurance. Whenever maintenance schedules come up in the app, comply, or else face a penalty. You can also request maintenance by using the maintenance module found in your LagosRide Driver mobile app. As a LagosRide captain, the insurance consideration covers protection against accident, disability, and/or death, as well as comprehensive insurance. 

The debt service topic is another important aspect you need to know how it works on LagosRide. The mandatory deductions for your car repayment are serviced daily from the wallet assigned to you in the onboarding stage. In the case where you have insufficient funds in your wallet, your account would be debited and the value subtracted the moment your wallet is sufficiently funded.

Let’s now talk about the deductions on LagosRide. There are two broad categories of deductions on LagosRide. These are the mandatory debt service and stipulated deductions from each fare. 

Below are the details of the mandatory debt service of LagosRide: 

  • Asset repayment – N8950
  • Mobile phone repayment – N209
  • Rent on dash cam – N500

Below are the stipulated deductions from each trip fare that you make with a LagosRide vehicle: 

  • Tech co – 17%
  • Re-fleeting – 1.5%
  • Asset co – 1.5% 
  • Communication – 1%
  • Maintenance and insurance – 4%

At the end of every day, you will find your cumulative net earnings in your account after all the deductions. However, you only receive the funds in your wallet twice a week; Mondays and Thursdays. You bear the responsibility of fuelling your car from your proceeds. 

The final topic we are going to be addressing is cash collection. Normally, you are not to collect physical cash from riders who request your ride. But in the situation where the rider already selected cash as the mode of payment before requesting the ride, you’d collect the cash from the rider and confirm that you received it in-app. Immediately, the equivalent amount the rider paid would be deducted from your LagosRide wallet. However, you are not allowed to receive payment from riders into your personal bank account.