How to Be a Registered Engineer in Nigeria

The Engineering profession is a prestigious profession which many Nigerian parents want their children to study in the higher institution. It takes a lot to get admission to a university to study Engineering and then to graduate with good grades that will set you on the path for success in your chosen Engineering field. It is the pride of every Engineering graduate to have the title ‘Engineer’ in front of their names. This title comes with a process that will be explained in this article. Here, you will find out the procedures required for an Engineering graduate to become registered with the Nigerian Society of Engineers and Council for Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN)ز

How to Be a Registered Engineer in Nigeria

About the Nigerian Society of Engineers

The Nigerian Society of Engineers is a voluntary organization for the Engineering Profession in Nigeria. The Society was established by practicing Engineers to look after the professional needs of members by providing a platform for networking, interactions and maintaining professional standards and ethical practices.

About the Council for Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN)

The Council for Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), on the other hand, is a statutory organ of the federal government established by decree and given the responsibility of regulating and controlling the training and practice of the Engineering profession in Nigeria. The body is also empowered to enforce the registration of all who wish to practice Engineering in the country.

How to be a Registered Engineer in Nigeria

Below are the procedures to become a registered Engineer in Nigeria

Apply for the NSE professional examination

After completing the 5 years of study for any engineering course in an accredited Nigerian university and the mandatory one year of National Youth Service, you are now qualified to apply for professional examinations. The professional examination is organized by the Nigerian Society of Engineers. This examination is in three stages:

Technical report

The first stage which is the Technical report requires that you submit a report of an Engineering project or design in which you have supervised or were involved. This project or design can be a sole project embarked upon by only you. This report will be evaluated by the Nigerian Society of Engineers and if they are satisfied with it, you will be allowed to proceed to the second stage of the oral interview.

Oral Interview

The aim of the oral interview is to test your technical experience and understanding of issues that relate to being a member of the association.

Professional Examination

The final stage which is the professional examination comprises essay writing and answering multi-choice questions.  Before the examination day, the Nigerian Society of Engineers organizes workshops for applicants to prepare them for the examination.

The NSE Corporate membership certificate qualifies you for membership of other Engineering divisions in the country, such as the Civil Engineering division, Chemical Engineering Division, Electrical Electronics division. Mining division, water division, Aviation division, naval division) without you needing to write any other examination, except for payment of membership fees. After serving as a member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers for a specific number of years and being a practicing engineer, you are then qualified to become a part of FNSE, Fellow Nigerian Society of Engineers which is the peak of the Engineering profession.

Apply to COREN

The second step to becoming a registered engineer in Nigeria is applying to the Council for Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN). According to the Nigerian constitution, the council is empowered to determine who is qualified to be registered and officially bear the titles of Engineer in their respective fields. The specific decree one studies are what determines the abbreviation to be used by each person follows:

A Registered Engineer will use the abbreviation “Engr” before his or her name

A Registered Engineering Technologist will use the abbreviation “Engn. Tech” after his name.

A Registered Engineering Technician will use the abbreviation “Tech” after his name.

A Registered Engineering Craftsman will use his full title “Craftsman” and put his trade in the bracket under his name.

After you have passed the NSE professional examination and have been inducted as a corporate member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers, you can now qualified to apply to COREN. If your application with the Council for Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) is successful, you will be issued a COREN number which allows you to bear the title of R.Eng to mean Registered Engineer. You will then be allowed to add a professional abbreviation of Engr, Engn. Tech, Tech or Craftsman to your name, depending on your degree. The duty of the council is to make sure that those who claim to be engineers are not simply title bearers but are continually practicing and effective in the profession. It achieves this by providing an avenue for practicing Engineers to belong to a recognized professional society. Membership of the Council does not automatically grant one the rights to be a registered engineer, however, it gets your feet in the door. After the membership form has been filled, the Council will still need to make sure that the applicant satisfies the requirements for qualification for the category applied for.

COREN Registration Requirements

You must have at least four years of post-graduate experience in the specific engineering profession

You must have been supervised by a senior registered engineer to prove that you been in contact with the professional society and personnel’s

You must be a registered member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) or National Association of Engineering Craftsmen (NAEC) or The Nigerian Association of Technologists in Engineering (NATE)

Each applicant must provide school transcripts

Every applicant must register online and attach all required files

Each applicant has to pay registration fees

Benefits of being COREN Registered Engineer

Below are the benefits you obtain by registering with COREN.

Registration provides evidence of your education, training, and experience

Registration provides you with international recognition

Registration stimulates career development opportunities as it exposes you to a wide network of people and mentorship programs

It keeps you updated on recent developments and best practices in the field of Engineering

Being a COREN registered member can earn you more respect and royalties and fast-track your success in your career.

Becoming a registered engineer in Nigeria can be a long process, considering the four years of postgraduate experience but it is definitely worth it as it helps to secure your success in the profession.



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