Nigerian Army Recruitment: General Guidelines

Here are general guidelines for recruitment into Short Service Commission & Direct Short Service Commission in The Nigerian Army.

Entry requirments for Nigerian Army SSC, DSSC recruitment

All applicants must satisfy the following conditions:

a. Be a Nigerian as defined by the Constitution.

b. Be a male or female between the ages of 24 and 29 years

c. Be medically and physically fit.

d. Be recommended by at least 2 recognizable Referees who must attest to the applicant’s

character and integrity.

e. Serving Military personnel must be recommended by their commanding officers.

f. Civilians could be recommended by a Local Government Chairman or Secretary or an officer of the Armed Forces not below the rank of Lt-Col or an Assistant Commissioner of Police from the state of the applicant.

g. Candidates must submit a letter of attestation from their former institutions.

h. Measure at least 1.68 metres (for male) and 1.65 metres (for female) in height.

i. Must not have been convicted by any court of law.

j. Possess at least university first degree certificate with not less than Second Class Lower Division or HND of not less than Lower Credit in the Arts, Sciences or Humanities from any recognised institution of learning.

k. Possess valid birth certificate endorsed by the National Population Commission, Hospital, or Local Government Council or valid age declaration.

l. Possess a valid certificate of state of origin.

m. Civilians must possess NYSC discharge certificate or valid exemption certificate.

n. Only academic credentials obtained from 2009 to date will be considered.


1. Nigerian Army Corps of Supply & Transport (NACST)

2. Nigerian Army Medical Corps (NAMC)

3. Nigerian Army Finance Corps (NAFC)

4. Nigerian Army Band Corps (NABC)

5. Directorate of Chaplain Services (DCS) Protestant & Catholic.

6. Directorate of Islamic Affairs.

7. Directorate of Legal Services Army.


Both SSC and DSSC will be granted for 10 years. SSC will be on 6 years active list renewable thereafter for a period of 3 years.

No extension allowed until conversion to regular combatant where applicable. DSSC will be on probation for 3 years renewable for another period of 7 years, but may be granted Direct Regular Commission (DRC) on conversion after 3 years as a commissioned officer.


Qualified persons who are interested in applying for the 2014 Nigerian Army SSC, DSSC

Recruitment should obtain a PayChoice PIN Code from any branch of First Bank with payment of N2,500 to the designated cashier.

  • Log on to
  • Click on ‘Online Application’
  • Enter basic details requested alongside the PIN code.
  • Select the type of commission (SSC or DSSC) applied for.
  • Click ‘REGISTER NOW’ to validate your PIN.
  • On successful validation, you will be redirected to the login page.
  • Log in with your Username and Password to begin filling the forms, upload documents and passport.
  • Applicants are to complete the form online and upload all required documents stated in the general instructions. Applicants must print out their online generated photo slip on completion of the application. Successful applicants are required to present their printed photo slip to the
  • Selection Board during the interview.

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