Universities that Accept Third Class for Masters in Nigeria (2019)

It is no news that it can be difficult to further one’s studies in Nigeria if one graduates with a third class degree, it is even much worse to get a job. However, there are various steps one can take to pass through this hurdle, these are: work experiences and postgraduate studies.

Many universities would only accept a minimum of a second class lower division Bachelor’s degree. This can seem discouraging for those who did not too well in their undergraduate studies. This is why many people want to know whether there are universities that accept third class for a masters degree in Nigeria, well there simply are, good schools at that. This article provides a list of institutions in Nigeria that admit third class honours degree for a Master’s degree. Read through to find out the requirements to be met in order to gain admission into these schools with a third class degree. 

Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) 

This university accepts candidates with third class degree, however such must have obtained a University Postgraduate diploma with CGPA of 3.0/5.0. Students that meet these requirements can be considered for admission into Academic Masters degree programmes as well as Professional Degree Programmes. 

University of Benin (UNIBEN) 

With a third class degree and a Post graduate diploma with the school or any other recognized university, you can be considered for admission for a masters program.

University of Ibadan (UI) 

Surprisingly and most fortunately, University of Ibadan is by far one of the most lenient when it comes to degree classes and unarguably one of the best institutions in Nigeria. Here, you can apply for a masters degree as long as you have relevant work experience, a PGD. Courses that are open for a masters degree in University of Ibadan are:

Master of Professional Ethics

Professional Masters in Business Computing

 Professional Master’s Degree in Forensic Science

Master of Managerial Psychology

Professional Master of Science in Legal Criminology and Security Psychology

 Master of Social Work

Professional Master Degree of Agro forestry

University of Jos (UNIJOS) 

UNIJOS has a variety of options for third class degree holders. It is required that a candidate for a master’s degree have obtained a PGD or in some cases, some work experience.  These courses are:

M.Sc. Computer Science

M.Sc. Microbial Biotechnology/M.Sc. Food and Industrial Microbiology/M.Sc. Environmental Microbiology

M.Sc. Clinical Psychology/M.Sc. Organizational Psychology/M.Sc. Social and Terrorism Psychology

 M.Sc. Architecture

M.Sc. Urban and Regional Planning. 

Lagos State University (LASU) 

With a Post graduate diploma, one can be given admission into Some Master’s programmes at this university such as a Masters in International Relations and Strategic Studies (MIRSS)

Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) 

This university offers a master’s degree for third class degree holders as long as they meet the qualifications with include at least 5 years of post-graduation work experience. 

Ambrose Alli University (AAU Ekpoma)

This university makes some exceptions to its rules of having at least a second class degree before one can obtain a master’s degree. For instance, those who have an LL.B with a third class honours and a B.L. and who have at least five years post-call experience, may be considered for the LL.M programme. 

You can also have a M.Sc. Architecture if you have an updated portfolio and are successful at an interview with the Department of Architecture. 

You will also be considered for admission into some of the master’s programmes if you have a third class bachelor’s degree plus PGD or HND and any other professional qualification from a recognized University.

The available options are:

Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture

Postgraduate Diploma in Geography and Regional Planning 

Postgraduate Diploma in Electrical/Electronics

Postgraduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Postgraduate Diploma in Materials/Production Engineering

Postgraduate Diploma in Botany

Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial Chemistry

Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science

Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics

Postgraduate Diploma in Microbiology

Postgraduate Diploma in Zoology

Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration

Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration

Postgraduate Diploma in Education

Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) 

In order to be considered for admission into a master’s degree into this university with a third class degree, you will need to have a PGD in the same course, for example, a masters in English communications would entail you have a PGD in the same course.

Taraba State University (TASU) 

Taraba state university offers opportunities to third class degree holders to pursue a masters degree in the faculty of Agriculture as long as they have five years of practice experience

Kaduna State University (KASU) 

KASU accepts those with a third class degree for a Postgraduate diploma and from there, having graduated with nothing less than CGPA of 3.50, one will be considered for admission for a master’s degree.

Igbinedion University Okada, Edo State, Nigeria

Candidates with not less than a third class honour bachelor’s degree from any recognized Nigerian university in the course of study or any other related one can apply for a Postgraduate diploma and then a Master’s degree.

University of Calabar (UNICAL) 

Some departments in the Faculty of Agricuture, Forestry and Wildlife Resources Management such as the:

Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology

Department of Crop science as well as the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences accepts third class degree holders with a Post graduate diploma.

Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH) CRUTECH 

This University accepts those who have a Bachelor’s degree with a third class honours from any other recognized University for a Postgraduate diploma. In fact, instead of demanding for  3.5 CGPA before being considered for admission into a master’s program, CRUTECH allows you to have only 2.75 CGPA

Umaru Musa Yar’Adua University (UMYU)

At Umaru Musa Yar’Adua University, candidates with a third class degree in areas other than Education can be considered for a postgraduate diploma only after three years relevant postgraduate experience. 

While candidates will be considered for Professional Masters’ degree if graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in third class division and at least five years relevant working experience.

Covenant University (CU) 

Covenant University accepts candidates with a third class degree provided they have a PGD with the 3.50 CGPA. 

Osun State University (UNIOSUN) 

There are several options available for candidates with third class degrees at UNIOSUN, below are these courses and their requirements:

Professional Master’s in International Studies (MIS) and Master in Intelligence and Strategic Studies (MISS)- 5 years of working experience in a relevant field

 Professional masters in Environmental Management- PGD or 3 years of working experience 

Professional masters in Disaster and Risk Management – 3 years of working experience 

There you go, all the best in your pursuit to further your studies.

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