National Policy on Education in Nigeria

The National Policy on Education (NPE) in Nigeria is the followed national guideline for the effective management, administration and implementation of education at all tiers of government. There has been significant revolution in the education sector in Nigeria and there definitely needs to be national policy reforms to align with the current trend(s) in the sector to ensure proper and efficient execution of the Board of Education’s guidelines and regulations. The National Policy on Education in Nigeria is a statement of the government’s regulations, anticipations, expectations, goals, requirements and standards for quality education delivery in Nigeria. You will get more info at cmsmd .

Like most other developing countries, Nigeria is undergoing rapid economic, social and political reforms. Some thirty years ago, the Nigerian education sector could be said to be manual-driven but fast forward to some technological advancements and national policy reforms later, there’s the electronic or automatic-driven system of education in Nigeria with the e-Books, e-Classrooms, e-Libraries and even e-Exams. The latest reform on the national policy on education in Nigeria included changes and innovations like:

  • Open and Distance Learning Programme by the Government which was resumed after the suspension was ended.
  • Expansion and revitalization of the NMC (National Mathematical Centre).
  • Teachers Registration Council (TRC) was established.
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) was instructed to be included into the school curriculum as a second official language.
  • To ensure balance and unbiased opportunity and effective implementation of the Universal Basic Education (UBE); the inclusion of basic education into the scheme of Quaranic schools was instructed.
  • Simultaneous teaching of science, technical and vocational education in the scheme of national educational for complete student capacity and optimum performance.
  • General contextual change to reflect the state of professional practice in education.  For more details about Education policy in nigeria drssa .

National policy on Education is government’s way of actualizing that part of the national goals which education can be used as a tool to achieve. However, before the national policy can be compiled and structured out, the overall philosophy and goals of the nation must first be identified. Some important and vital parts of the current national policy on education are listed below.

  • Education would continue to rank high in the nation’s development plans. Education is the most important instrument of change and any fundamental change in the social and intellectual outlook of any society has to be preceded by education.
  • Expansion would continue to affect education and training facilities, in response to social needs and education would be made accessible and affordable.
  • Educational activities would be centred on the student for maximum self-development and self-fulfilment.
  • Depending on needs and possibilities, Universal Basic Education (UBE) shall be provided in a variety of forms for all citizens.
  • Educational evaluation and evaluation shall be liberalized by being based in part on continuous assessment of the progress of the student/individual.
  • At all levels of the education system, modern education techniques shall be increasingly used and would also be improved upon.
  • Physical and health education shall be emphasized at all levels of the education system.
  • The national educational system shall be structured to develop the practice of self-learning. Government shall in this regard continue to encourage the establishment of Young Readers Clubs in schools.

In the absence of the national policy, there would be very insignificant revolution and very minute growth in nation’s educational sector. Reforms and re-strategizing is also an important part of the national policy on education in Nigeria since it allows the policy to adjust and reshape to meet present expectations, demands and current technological trends in the country.

22 thoughts on “National Policy on Education in Nigeria”

  1. it is not true that majority of people living in the northern part of Nigeria are Muslims, we are also having a greater percentage of Christians living in the northern part of the country. why allow only IRK in the schools while CRK is not being considered, do you want to say that the Christian students should be idle during the IRK lesson time or they should be forced to attend IRK too?
    Is there truly freedom of worship in this country?

  2. Yusuf Ibrahim. The agency have done well so far but they’re expected to do more in order to get the indigenous languages balance and have a mutual interligibility in the country.

    • And yet, we want to be like America. Your sort of thinking does not bring enlightenment and development to that community that should be trained ONLY based on its culture, religion and intellectual capacity. And, for that, the Government has seen the need for a basic UNIVERSAL education where all the citizens of the national will have equal opportunity for a general, national and global enlightenment and development.

      Nigeria is a wide and diverse country; the more we learn about each other the more we develop our level of tolerance and celebrate our diversity. And, that is development!

      Moreover, no one State has all its citizens of only one culture and only one religion. Which one will the State use to educate its citizens without being biased?

      As a Nation, we need a common ground where we can stand as one without barriers!

  3. the inclusion of crk is very important becouse it teachers good moralmoreover in most of the northern state of the federation like kebbi kaduna,kogi,bauchi,kano,katsina,nasarawa,taraba,adamawa,benue they have large number of christian the constitution nigeria clearlly allow fredom of worship and practice of religion every body right should be given

  4. I hundred percent agreed with aminu sale’s view,NPE have made a mistake by not considering the religious subjects in the implementation of the a great bias to NPE

  5. NASS on their part are bias and cage up to the level that they no longer represent Nigeria but consider their own pocket. CRK should be enshrine as well as Islamic relgion as you know better.

  6. This is a matter of thought we don’t need crk teachers in northern Nigeria because majority of people living in northern Nigeria are Muslims what we need is to provide adequate and qualified IRK teachers because majority carry the whole unlike the southern part of the country where most of the people living there are Christians.

  7. This is the matter of thought in northern Nigeria we have no need to have a crk teachers because the greater part of people living in northern Nigeria are Muslims unlike the southern part of the country what we need in northern region is to provide adequate and qualified IRK teachers because majority carry the whole.

  8. To me, we should not take issue of CRK in the north to become a topic of discussion, because now if you go to eastern part of nigeria you can see the samething with regards to IRK. if you look at NPE is bias free

  9. Saleh,you cannot say there are no student nor pupils in the north,it is as good as you saying there no Christian parents in the north whose children attend both public primary and secondary schools in the north.It could have been said that there are no crk teachers in the north.Be factual and sincere in what you say.

  10. From my own view, if it were to be that it is IRK that is lacking behind or want of teacher will they lackadaisically keep quiet as they have kept quiet and be watching the subject as it is going towards extinction in their region. Bias is bias, something needs to be done

  11. The change and innovation that was listed in this text, point number 6 talk about being unbiase, but I have see it occuring already, this is becaurse in primary and A-level the of CRK is not been consider, No course of reading CRK in most colleges of Education particully the state COE; No CRK Teacher in the puplic primary school all we have are valutering teachers particully in tha Northan states of this country. Please you people should do something about it. thanks

    • I tend to disagree with you on this one. The only reason why in most northern states CRK was not offered is because there are no students to offer the course and Lecturers that can offer the corset don’t even apply as professionals on that field. It is simple for someone to claim that there’s bias in some of the policies, buy you can’t prove it.

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