Importance of Civic Education in Nigeria

Civic education is created by schools and other organizations to create more informed and responsible citizens who are fully aware of their rights and responsibilities as citizens, and also how the government work at all government levels. It sees to It that every citizen has the knowledge and skills required to participate in social, political and economic activities to make informed decisions. The importance of civic education in Nigeria can never be over-emphasized. In this article, the importance of civic education in Nigeria will be discussed extensively.

Importance of Civic Education in Nigeria

The importance of civic education in Nigeria will be discussed below:

  • Civic Education Informs Citizens about Their Rights as Citizens

When Civic education is been taught in schools and other organizations, it enlightens young people about their civic rights, and also the responsibilities that come with them. Civic Education makes us realize that the Nigerian constitution assures us certain rights as citizens. These rights include the right to a good education, the right to a good job, and the right to live without fear of persecution. They also include the right to housing, right to good health, right to work, right to move about freely, right to participate in government, right to self-defense, right to seek legal redress, right to a fair trial, the right to vote and be voted for, as well the right to basic amenities provided by the government.

  • Civic Education in Nigeria Helps to Create Good Citizens

Civic education in Nigeria ensures that citizens understand the theory of democracy. It also educates them on the need to be good citizens. When people are taught Civic education in schools or other non-profit organisations, they become fully aware of their responsibilities, rights, and duties as citizens.

  • Civic Education Creates The Awareness of Government Programs and Policies

Civic education sees to it that the citizens of Nigeria are well informed about government policies and programs. It also creates the awareness that citizens could participate in local governance in order to ensure transparency and accountability even at the grassroots level.

  • Civic Education Promote Sustainable Development

Civic education in Nigeria addresses the goals of sustainable development which are added into social justice, ecological sustainability, good governance, and economic productivity. This ensures developing the society today with the future in mind. Civic education sees to it that citizens are up to date with the current trends. It challenges citizens not only to point out threats in our present and future but also to provide solutions to these problems, thereby sustaining the growth of the country.

  • Civic education in Nigeria engages students in community development through what they have encountered or witnessed. It encourages citizens to engage in studies and projects where they scrutinize and handle issues in their society. This enables them to be problem solvers and exponents.
  • Civic Education Generates Employment

Civic education in Nigeria generates job opportunities for the citizens of the country. Teaching civic education in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions is one of the ways people earn a living. This in turn serves as a source of income for the teachers or instructors. The livelihood of these citizens tends to be improved due to this employment generation.

  • Civic Education Promotes Patriotism

Through civic education, citizens feel love and devotion to the country. Civic education makes citizens become patriotic citizens by spurning bad vices. Citizens also learn through civic education how to obey laws and also promote good values and behaviour. By being patriotic, citizens learn to think and work for the betterment of the country, rather than indulging in dangerous activities that hamper national growth.

  • Civic Education Educate Citizens about The Nigerian Constitution

Civic education in Nigeria promotes the education of citizens on the history of the Nigerian constitution. It also teaches citizens about the growth of the country, also about old and new inventions, as well as difficulties. This knowledge informs the behaviour and reactions of citizens which in turn changes the society.

  • Civic Education Helps in Maintaining Peace and Order

The study of Civic education in Nigeria strives to ensure that every Nigerian citizen, even those at the grassroots, is taught how to maintain stability, peace and order. Civic education teaches people about the need to maintain a stable environment void of conflicts and distress. It educates citizens about their rights and duties in dealing with conflicts and distress that might arise from time to time.

Civic education in Nigeria also teaches citizens how to respect each other’s beliefs and also see each other as equals, to avoid conflicts. It enlightens citizens on how to accept everyone irrespective of language, ethnicity, or religious beliefs.

  • Civic Education Teaches Citizens to Understand The Laws of The State

Civic education educates citizens on how to be law-abiding citizens of the country. It teaches people about all the laws governing the affairs of the state. Citizens are meant to understand all the aspects of the law and to also follow them judiciously to maintain law and order in the country.

  • Civic Education Ensures Easy and Smooth Governance

Civic education in Nigeria teaches ways of ensuring easy and smooth governance. Since people are not fully aware of how to maintain a political institution void of criminality, civic education educates them on how to get strong political organizations. Civic education also eradicates every form of economic stagnation, as well as poor service delivery.

  • Civic education teaches members of the social ways to respond in support and protection of democracy. Citizens are been taught all they need to know about democracy and all the benefits it comes with.
  • Civic Education Makes Citizens Understand The Society

Civic education in Nigeria makes us know and understand how the society we live in works and functions. It helps us know our rights as citizens, privileges, and responsibilities in society. The study of Civic education in our schools enables us to understand our societal values. Civic Education also shapes our attitudes and values of democracy.