Nursing Subjects List in Nigeria’s School of Nursing

Nursing is a very unique profession, as it is very vital to the contemporary healthcare space. Nurses must be sufficiently educated to satisfy the diverse patients’ needs, boost science that helps patients and offer the opportunity to work with other health professionals to ensure the delivery of safe, quality patient care. The nursing school educates on a spectrum of specialized, clinical, and interpersonal skills suited for any aspect of healthcare.

Nursing Subjects List in Nigeria's School of Nursing

The subjects list that The Nigeria School of Nursing offers for one to be certified as a nurse are documented below:

  • Physiology

Subject Summary: offer nursing students the opportunity to recognize and apply the vital theories that preside integrated body function

  • Sociology in Nursing

Subject Summary: provides nursing students with knowledge that are geared towards familiarity and application of sociology concepts to nursing care

  • Fundamentals of Nursing

Subject Summary: a prerequisite for understanding the essential skills in clinical nursing that will bolster the students progress to more intricate skills

  • Psychology

Subject Summary: offer to nursing students the opportunity to learn concepts and theories of psychology with the emphasis on growth, development, and factors influencing behavior across the lifespan

  • Professional Ethical and Legal Aspects of Nursing

Subject Summary: Introduction to nursing students the professional, legal, and ethical theories applied in decision-making in nursing

  • Nutrition and Dietic

Subject Summary: Offers students with the knowledge of the position of nutrition in all manner of patient treatment and management

  • Microbiology and Parasitology

Subject Summary: provides nursing students with the knowledge of different types of organisms and the immune system, as  well as the relationship of parasitology to illness and health

  • Anatomy and Physiology

Subject Summary: Offers the opportunity for nursing students to gain knowledge only the structure and functioning of the human body and understanding of the relationship between the systems of the body

  • Information and Communication Technology

Subject Summary: Provides nursing students with necessary knowledge aimed at developing capability in the usage of information information and communication technologies

  • Health Assessment (Theory)

Subject Summary: offers nursing students the knowledge and required skills in normal health assessment, as well as the recognition of abnormal variations across the lifespan of the ailment

  • Health Assessment (Clinical)

Subject Summary: nursing students are offered the opportunity to strengthen basic nursing skills by carrying out assessments in a hospital, clinical setting,  among others, to develop relevant skills

  • Paediatric Nursing (Theory)

Subject Summary: nursing students are offered the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills, and appropriate attitudes for the management of well and sick children

  • Paediatric Nursing ( Clinical)

Subject Summary: offer nursing students the opportunity to develop required competencies for managing children in a hospital setting and the community

  • Pharmacology

Subject Summary: allows nursing students to gain knowledge and skills required for the cautious and safe administrations of medicines

  • Community Health Nursing (Theory)

Subject Summary: Equips nursing students with knowledge of nursing in the community including patients’ residence, schools, health centers, and other health and social agencies

  • Community Health Nursing (Clinical)

Subject Summary: provides nursing students with avenues to strengthen and improve their basic nursing skills by presenting opportunities for nursing students to engage in assessment of client of clients aimed at developing relevant and appropriate interventions

  • Introduction to Research

Subject Summary: offers students of nursing knowledge on scientific inquiry, critical appraisal, and research techniques in nursing

  • Medical and Surgical Nursing 1 (Theory): Introduction to Medical and Surgery Nursing (Theory)

Subject Summary: offers to students of nursing the knowledge of human needs theory and the nursing process in the provision of comprehensive quality nursing management

  • Medical and Surgical Nursing 2 (Clinical): Introduction to Medical and Surgery Nursing(Practical)

Subject Summary: the opportunity for students of nursing to develop skills and abilities several for control and management of adult patients with medical and surgical diseases and conditions

  • Health Service Management ( Theory)

Subject Summary: organized to provide nursing students with indispensable understanding and dispositions in health service management and leadership vital to the provision of healthcare

  • Health Service Management ( Clinical)

Subject Summary: the outlay of hands-on opportunity to acquire vital indispensable attitudes and skills essential for health service management

  • Sexual and Reproductive Health

Subject Summary: the provision of opportunity for students of nursing to amass knowledge and dexterities in managing the sexual and reproductive health demands and rights of individuals, families, and the community at large

  • Medical and Surgical Nursing 2 (Theory)

Subject Summary: offers students of nursing the avenue to build upon knowledge and skills amassed from the Introduction to Medical and Surgical Nursing

  • Medical and Surgical Nursing 2 ( Clinical)

Subject Summary: geared at providing students of nursing with the opportunity to develop mastery of skills and techniques important for the management of adult patients with medical conditions

  • Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing ( Theory)

Subject Summary: students of nursing are provided the opportunity to learn about theories for conducting assessments of patients with mental health or psychiatric disorder using the nursing process and primary health methods which are taught along with relevant modalities essential for performing as therapeutic agents

  • Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing ( Clinica)

Subject Summary: designed to provide students of nursing opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge and the improvement of skills and aptitudes in inspection and management of individuals with mental and psychiatric problems by utilizing relevant and appropriate interventions

  • Nursing Informatics

Subject Summary: specifically directed at equipping students of nursing with the proficiency and mastery of information and technology in the direct expenditure of healthcare, and support in nursing research

  • Biostatics in Health Technology

  • Genetic Nursing

  • Intensive Care Nursing

  • Guidance and Counselling in Nursing


As nurses are directly involved in the dispense of specialized healthcare duties, they must be duly prepared to effectively conduct their duties by gaining mastery of theoretical and clinical knowledge required to perform patient care, patient advocacy, planning of care, patient education, and support. To cope with the changing industry demands and ever-increasing patients’ needs and expectations, the subjects are fashioned and designed to ensure better patient care and advancement of science that is beneficial to other healthcare professionals in delivering quality health care to patients.

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