10 Worst Courses to Study in Nigeria

Before going on to read this article, you need to understand that is meant by ‘the worst course’ and the factors used to determine this. Factors used to determine this include low demand in the labour market of Nigeria. This means that the fact that a course is termed one of the worse to study in Nigeria does not mean it is not highly employable in another country.

Other factors used to determine the relevance of a course are its commonness, geographical location, economic situation and employment demand in past years.

Worst Courses to Study in Nigeria

You can put these factors into consideration when thinking of the course to study in school. However, you must remember that in such a fast-paced world as ours, what matters is how innovative you can be with what you study. The fact that you studied any of the courses below, in fact, makes a demand for your innovation with which you can succeed anywhere, including Nigeria.

10 Worst Courses to Study in Nigeria

The list below contains the 10 worst courses to study in Nigeria and the reasons for its low demand rate in the country. Read on below:

  • Physical Education

Exercises and fitness trainings are healthy habits which are commendable. People who make a career out of this earn much in many other parts of the world. However, in Nigeria, it comes with little job opportunities and monetary rewards. The probabilities of getting a job along the career path of a fitness instructor as a recent graduate are not so promising.

If you are so interested in health and fitness, a better course might be the health sciences. This course is broader in scope and cuts across the sciences, biology and health and also has higher job prospects.

·        Social  studies

Social Studies is another course rendered redundant in Nigeria. Before now, one of the only available options available to graduates of Social studies used to be Teaching. However, even that is now limited as there is a new requirement that prospective teachers need to have a degree in education. Therefore, a degree in social studies education now seems better than one in major social studies. This has made it one of the worst courses to study in Nigeria.

·         Theatre Art

In Nigeria, the entertainment industry is not exclusive to graduates of performing or theatre arts. In the creative industry, it is about how well you can do something such as acting or singing, therefore, graduates of performing arts face even more competition from graduates of other fields who are capable of taking up these positions. Nollywood is a good example.

·         Library Science

Library Science is a seemingly redundant course because libraries are now mostly dysfunctional. This is not only because of the lack of good reading habits in Nigeria but the onset of the digital age. Often, graduates who study this course have only an option of academic appointments and lecturers. This makes the employment rate for this course very low.

·        Crop science

In some schools in Nigeria, this is also regarded as Crop, Soil, and Pest. In other developed countries, graduates of Crop science have a better chance of getting a job but it is not the same story in Nigeria. Although, many start careers as farmers or are employed on farms. Perhaps in the future and with the country looking to invest more in the agricultural industry, this course will be much more viable but at the moment, crop science remains one of the worst to study in Nigeria.

·        Horticulture

Horticulture has to do with the culturing of plants, mainly for food, materials, comfort, and beauty.  Horticulturists have to do with the growing of flowers, fruits and vegetables, and of plants for ornament and fancy.

In Nigeria, it’s rare to find organizations recruiting for the role of a horticulturist. Also because nature and beauty are not all that appreciated in Nigeria, horticulture might be one of the worst courses to study in Nigeria.

·        Anthropology

Anthropologists study humans and human behaviour and societies in the past and present. This is also a course that bears little employment prospects in Nigeria.

·        Home Economics

Home economics has to do with the relationship between individuals, families, communities, and the environment in which they live. Many who study this course teach in schools and rarely have any other job prospects. People hardly get employed in organizations for studying this course alone.

This is not among the best courses to study in Nigeria.

·        Christian Religious Studies

This is another course that enters the list of the worst courses to study in Nigeria. Most times, graduates of this course end up as teachers of CRS or CRK in Nigerian secondary schools. The problem with this is that you do not have a wide option to choose from asides teaching.

·        Geography

Geography is a good course, however with low rates of job opportunities. It is, therefore, one of the worst courses to study in Nigeria.

·        Developmental Studies

This is an interdisciplinary branch of social science. This course offers very little job opportunities in Nigeria.

·        Zoology

Zoology is often regarded as the second option in many Nigerian university systems. Often times, when a prospective undergraduate does not meet the required cut-off mark to gain admission to his or her preferred field of study, they are offered a study in Zoology. Zoology has to do with the study and science of animals. In a country that has little appreciation for wildlife, this course is not the best.

·        Botany

Botany is also irrelevant to the Nigerian setting. Botany also has to do with the study of plants. The chances of being employed with a degree in Botany are very low.

  • Sociology

The skills of sociologists are not often demanded in a country like ours. Sociology has to do with the study of society, patterns of social relationships, social interaction and culture of everyday life. In developed countries, sociologists have a higher chance of being employed as social workers but this is still unpopular in Nigeria.


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