Recycling Business in Nigeria: How to Get Started

When you look around your community and vicinity, you will realize that tons of plastic pollute the environment, Click here to see how to use the different colour recycling bins to help your community. This is not only true in Nigeria but in the world as well. While this is a problem, it also is a big business idea for those who seize the opportunity. 

Recycling is about keeping your environment clean while generating income at the same time which is carried by many communities with their household junk removal programs

Recycling Business Nigeria

The recycling business is a very lucrative one and is largely overlooked because of the low awareness and thoughts surrounding the industry in Nigeria.The amount of garbage generated in Nigeria everyday spans in thousands of tons. This garbage is not just a problem for the government but the people as well. The pollution causes health challenges for people who live in the environment.

 For those who dare to see the business opportunities that abound in the problem. This is not only an avenue to make money but a service to humanity as well. 

Types of Waste to be Recycled

1). Plastic Recycling:

There’s almost no area in Nigeria where there aren’t hundreds of plastic wastes lying around in gutters and on the streets. It is reported that over one thousand plastic wastes averagely are dropped on the floor at mostly used bus stops in Lagos, Nigeria, every 6 hours. This is not to talk of the thousands of events and occasions held in Nigerian cities every day and especially on weekends. This Frac Tank Rentals trend does not seem to be slowing down in the nearest future and it is predicted that in 5 years time, about ten times the present number of plastic wastes will be generated making room for the marine recovered ocean plastic material yarn ecological business.

 Of course, with this large number of plastic wastes thrown around in such areas, cleaning up every hour basis would be quite difficult and is expected to be a full-scale business. This is the reason such plastic wastes are managed by a plastic waste collection centre. 

The increasing trend makes the industry a more volatile one.

So what can you do about the volume of plastic wastes been piled up in your direct environment? The smart answer is to hire the dumpster rental in chicago start collecting plastic waste! By starting with your current environment, you could be a major player and hit it big if you do things right.

We also believe there are opportunities to build a new and profitable branch of the industry based on recycled plastics, which our research suggests could represent a profit pool of as much as $55 billion a year worldwide by 2030, we know that if very business starts to be conscious about recycling we could get somewhere, we can start by hiring dumpster services to dispose residual waste.

 Find out if there are laws binding the business of recycling and waste collection in your area before you start.   

2). Paper Recycling:

Another waste getting increasingly out of control is paper waste. It is almost impossible not to generate paper waste daily.

Everyone generates paper waste every day. It is almost unavoidable. This is why collecting paper waste is a great way to venture into the recycling waste collection business. Find recyclers that want paper recyclables. Find out the exact type they are more interested in, and start collecting them. A lucrative business plus a way to keep the environment clean. 

3). E-Waste Recycling:

E-wastes which is also known as electronic wastes is electronic devices like monitors, printers, etc, that have been used and dumped for disposal. While piling up electronic waste would seem to be largely disorganization, there is a great opportunity locked there. The most profitable of the recycling businesses is electronics recycling.

E-waste is also not as easy to find as plastic, paper or even metal. To get these wastes, you will need to create a financial awareness for it, so that those who own the waste can make money selling them to you. Get a good location where there can be a large concentration of electronic waste, gather them in tons. After this, you will then resell to the final recycler and have a higher return on investment. Well we can say e waste recycling is best business to start.

How to begin a Recycling Business in Nigeria

When many hear about recycling, they start to think in terms of factories and industries, huge investments and machines. But this is not so. There are few who realize that sourcing recyclables for recycling factories are also a highly profitable business.

There are also others involved in the production and recycling of waste themselves. A small scale plant is sure to be producing not less than 2-3 tons of recycled waste per day. A kilogram goes for USD1.55 in the international market.

This article will teach you how to start the business of recycling in Nigeria. Remember that with any business just like recycling, you must learn the ropes and basics with adequate information is a must or you’ll have many pits falls and end up losing in the lucrative business of recycling.

Starting Waste Recycling and Management   

  1. Conduct a feasibility study and research to determine the type of waste recycling business you want to start with.
  2. Have a business plan and decide on the location where you want to establish your company/factory to serve as a base from which the entire business will be run. 
  3. Obtain the needed licenses and permits for your business. This is in order to avoid being disturbed by the law enforcement agencies as that would affect your production.
  4. If you are on a low budget, you can go for the option of an equipment leasing. Although having your own equipment is best so you can manage production yourself without excuses

Remember that one machine cannot handle all types of wastes at the same time. It’s better to start with one and move on to others with time.

  1. Waste recycling specialization: It is advisable you start first with paper and then move to other waste items with time. Such as pure water nylons, bottles, green wastes, scrap metal recycling, textile, e-waste, electronics, and so on. Remember there are many options you can choose from. 
  2. Know about your competitors and how they operate. Understanding the techniques will help you fill in the lapses and do better. 
  3. Having a base where people drop off their recyclable wastes is a wise option. You will have goods brought to you which you pay for. 
  4. Get materials needed for the smooth running of the business, such as weighing scales, trucks, huge bins etc.
  5. Be prepared for the fees and charges required of you as a business owner. You can obtain this from your local government.
  6. Advertise your business through newspapers, websites and handouts.

Do not be afraid about venturing into the waste business. Once your business is established, you start making your returns. 

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