10 Best Investment Options in Nigeria

One of the surest ways to make more wealth is via investments. Investments are a way of making your money keep working and generating even more for you. Bear in mind that every investment option has its own risk. A good investment is one that grants you more guarantee and securities. Many also believe you need to have huge funds in order to make investments but this is not so. There are investment options that allow you to make start-up funds for as low as N5000. There are different sectors and legitimate methods through which you can invest in Nigeria.

10 Best Investment Options in Nigeria

Best Investment Options in Nigeria

This article provides you with information on the 10 best investment options in Nigeria with their advantages and risks involved.

Investing in FGN savings bonds

FGN bonds can simply be explained as a means of lending the Federal government some money for a specific period of time. The FGN bonds were founded as a means of providing Nigerians of different strata the opportunity of contributing to national growth and development. The money gotten from the bonds is used for specific national projects. The Federal government is obliged to pay the bond buyer the principal and agreed interest at the agreed time. It is also intended to promote the savings culture among Nigerians. FGN bonds are referred to as the safest form of investments because it is backed up by the Federal government. It is thus referred to as a risk-free investment. The minimum amount you can invest is N5000 while the maximum is N50, 000, 000. The interest income from the savings bonds is tax-free. The FGN savings bonds is issued monthly with quarterly payment of interest to investors.

Investing in Treasury Bills

This is another investment option in Nigeria with no or minimal risks. Treasury bills have low-interest rates due to its security. They are short term investment opportunities aimed at providing short term funds for the federal government. Treasury bills are issued by the Federal government via the Central bank. The Central bank of Nigeria auctions Treasury Bills bi-weekly in tenors ranging from 91 – 364 days. Banks and other financial institutions also sell out treasury bills. The real value of a treasury bill is sold at 10% discount when it is being auctioned. So for example, if the actual worth of a treasury bill is 10 million naira, it will be auctioned out at 9.9 million naira (10% deductions). When the time period as matured, you will be paid the original worth of the treasury bill. That way, you have gained the deducted 10% extra on your investment. Treasury bills are generally agreed to be the most secured means of investments in Nigeria with low risk and high returns.

Invest in Silver

Silver a bit like gold may be a valuable whose demand within the market is high due to its value. a bit like gold, silver investments are made by investors who want to use them as a hedge which will guard them during inflation. the present economic climate has made tons of individuals question whether the choice to take a position in silver may be a wise one.

The silver market is different from the gold market although the needs for many investors investing in both markets are similar. If you’re brooding about investing during this market then seeking silver investment advice is important . you would like to hunt the guidance of an experienced investor so as to know how the silver market works and the way proper silver investments are being made.

The first thing that you simply will learn from handling a silver investment is that the dimensions of the silver market is significantly smaller than the gold market. Statistics show that the gold market is nearly fifty times larger than the silver market. As result silver investments are exceptionally volatile in comparison to gold investments. This then begs the question of whether investing in silver may be a viable option for either future or short term investment.

If you’re getting to invest in silver, then there are two mainstream methods of doing that; that’s buying bullion or purchasing into an EFT. once you seek the services of knowledgeable , you’ll get to know the benefits of every of them. Notably, most of the people are advised to shop for into an EFT because they’re convenient and you’re doing not need to bear the effort of deciding where you are getting to store your silver securely. If you opt to shop for physical silver (billions), seeking silver investment advice on the way to evaluate, market trends and therefore click here to visit the best place to shop for bars and coins are key to winning.

You need to know the repercussion of investing in silver long-term vs. the short-term before you venture into silver investments. The silver market is especially controlled by investor fears; when there’s an impending fear of inflation within the market, then investors will arrive to shop for silver so as to guard their lead investments. this will cause a big swell within the prices of silver but as soon because the fear wanes out, people will sell their silver and therefore the prices will start falling, and fast again. this suggests that the costs of silver fluctuate tons , making the market inconsistent. But if you’re an experienced investor, you’ll be ready to know the proper timing to place in money and when to tug out. once you are brooding about long-term silver investments then you’ve got to believe the availability and demand of silver within the market, especially for industrial and jewelry-making purposes. The demand for silver that’s generally used for industrial purposes stays consistent most of the time.

Investing in stocks

In spite of the market crash that occurred in 2008, where-in many lost their money, stock is still one of the surest ways to make long term wealth in Nigeria. The stock exchange market is an organized and regulated financial market where securities such as bonds, notes, shares are bought and sold at prices governed by the forces of demand and supply. The stock exchange market is the primary market open to corporations and governments to raise capital. They do this by channeling the savings of other investors into productive ventures. Other investors can also sell their securities to other investors for cash. In order to make investments in the stock exchange market, you need to do the following:

Research on your most preferred stock broker

Hire a brokerage firm to buy the stock on your behalf.

Register with your chosen stockbroker by filling the appropriate registration form and supplying the relevant documents.

When investing in the stock market. Your return on investments can come in three ways:

Capital appreciation

Dividend payment


It is important you do a proper research and invest in quality stocks and also pay attention to market developments. Remember that the degree of your success depends on the stock brokerer you employ.

Invest into Real Estates by buying Properties

Buying properties in Nigeria have been one of the surest investment ones can make in Nigeria, no deposit house and land packages ipswich has helped so many people. Nigeria is a country just developing in terms of land and housing. In real estate, your returns depends on the location. High-end places like Abuja and Lagos have greater profits than places such as Enugu and Benin.

If you are considering long term investments and profits, it is best to invest in towns or villages that are not yet well developed. This way, you can buy lands in local areas that have huge potentials for development and then sell them years later when the value of the properties have appreciated.

However, before you make investments in real estate, ensure you conduct proper research on the safest places and best deals.

Investing in Agriculture

The Nigerian government is once again looking into the agricultural sector. The agricultural sector is making new set of millionaires as the Nigerian government starts to reinvest in this sector as a means of diversifying the economy.

Subsectors of agriculture that are open to investment include:

  • Rice
  • Maize
  • Cassava,
  • Beans
  • Plantain
  • Pineapple
  • Poultry farming
  • Pig farming
  • Snail farming
  • Fish farming

You can also take the option of investing in organizations that are engaged in large scale farming. These companies use your money to carry out the farming processes and then pay your returns at the agreed time.

Digital crowd farm funding platforms

These platforms provide a bridge between farmers and investors by creating a platform where people who have the resources put the money in and then farmers who need the funds for their projects can have access to them. You can receive your returns, quarterly, half a year or annually.

The level of returns depends on what sector of farming you invest into.

Mutual funds

Mutual funds works by pooling your money with the money of other investors and investing it in a portfolio of other assets (e.g., stocks, bonds). Mutual funds allow you to invest in assets you ordinarily will not be able to do alone such as biotechnology, communication etc. There are also funds that appeal to ethical and religious beliefs, in case you are particular about these things. The most popular companies with the most thriving funds include Stanbic IBTC, ARM, UBA group, FBN capital etc. You can contact these companies in order to discuss your investment choices.

Digital savings and Investment platforms

There are many digital platforms that allow you save and invest in assets from the comforts of your home while earning high returns. The secret to this type of investment is making sure you choose only those that are popular and widely accepted.

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