Bread Business in Nigeria: How to Get Started

It is no hidden fact that the bread business is one of the most lucrative in Nigeria. Bread is one of the most popular staple foods available in most parts of the world and especially in Nigeria. It is widely consumed by all, irrespective of gender, ethnics and religions groups.

The demand for bread is high. This is because bread is one of the quickest and cheapest foods one can get his or her hands on when hungry. Hence, starting a bread business in Nigeria is a wise decision and will turn out to be a profitable business if properly managed. The demand for bread will always be on the rise and so will the need for more bakeries. Many have made it in the bread business while some others still struggle to find their feet. This is because the business is a saturated one and needs to be properly managed in order to yield profits. If you are looking to start a bread business, you are in the right place. This article provides information on how to start a bread business in Nigeria including where to get cheap equipment from stores like display fridge australia.

Bread Business in Nigeria

Bread Business in Nigeria: How to Get Started

Read on below:

How to Setup Your Bread Bakery

Not only is bread a well sought after product in the Nigerian market, starting a bread bakery is not so much a difficult task.

Below is a list of the process you should have in mind when starting your bread business.

Get professional training

In order to bake very good bread that will sell fast in the market, you must get professional training in bakery and food processing. Many people think baking is an easy task and skip this process which later backfires on their business in the future. You can get trained by getting attached to an already certified bakery in order to gain practical experiences first hand. However, if you already have working experience with a bakery, it will be much easier setting up your own bakery as you have already obtained the essential skills while working.

The success of a bread business depends largely on how good your product is which also depends on how well you have learnt the art of bread making. Therefore, get a very good baker to train you.

 Have a Business Plan

A good business plan will serve as a guide as you do business. A business plan would include the following:

Feasibility/Market study: This is essential so that you can properly study the availability of market for your product in the location you have chosen.

A feasibility study also helps you observe what the needs of the consumers are and how you can meet those needs. This will help you create a niche for yourself and do better than those already in the business of bread.

Study your competition: A business plan helps you to study your competition so you can know how well the market for bread does, what challenges they face and solutions to these problems.

Many think having a business plan is simply a luxury but has time has shown, it is essential in the smooth running of a business.

Source for Finance

If you are starting a bakery business on a large scale, then it requires that you have the capital or a means of funding for it. Capital needed includes money spent on the best quality of ingredients such as flour for the bread. Producing good quality bread will enhance the patronage of your business.

Once you have the required capital to invest in this business, you are well on your way to starting your own business.

Choose Location

Although many say if your product is good, people will always come to you. However, it is important you locate your business in the city or busy towns where your customers can easily find you. Properties can be expensive in cities but the profit is always worth it. Ensure you select a location that will best suit your business.

Marketing strategies

Advertising is the soul of any business; ensure you market your product well so as to make people aware of the business. Remember you are not the only one in the business of bread making. You can advertise your product via print or on social media platforms.

Build your Factory

When about to build your own factory, ensure you engage the services of experts. This is so your factory can be properly planned and well suited to meet NAFDAC approval requirement.

Bakery Equipment You Need To Acquire

 Baking Oven

Go for the industrial oven if you want to bake bread in commercial quantity. It makes work much easier and faster.

Flour Mixer

Mixers are also available according to how big your bakery is. You can find both the local mixers and standard electronic mixers.

Slicing Machine

 Baking Pans

You can obtain the size of baking pans you desire in the market. You can also design them yourself.

Bread Wrapper

You will need a reliable supplier for your branded bread wrapper

KVA Generator

In the current Nigerian environment, you will need a standby generator. Electricity issues if not properly handled can be a stumbling block to your bread business.

Supply truck

You will need to get a supply truck to help in the delivery of products to your customers. Ensure you also get reliable staff to work with you.

Get NAFDAC Approval for Your Bread Bakery

Every food business in Nigeria requires the approval of NAFDAC. Hence, you must obtain the approval of this government agency so you will not run into trouble with the law. Once all of these are in place, you can be sure your bakery will thrive.

Selling baking ingredients

Being involved in bread business does not have to do with the actual baking of bread only. You can also sell bread baking ingredients such as flour, yeast, sugar, salts, preservatives, etc. As long as you are reliable and always have a supply of what is needed, in addition to good customer relations, your business will thrive.



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