How to Become a Pepsi Distributor in Nigeria

Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a distributor of a major brand in Nigeria. This article provides you with information on how to become a Pepsi distributor. Pepsi is a product made by the 7up Bottling company. Here, you will learn about steps to take to become a Pepsi distributor, factors to consider, potential profits, start-up capital needed etc. Pepsi is a popular drink in Nigeria. When you go to parties or any social function, you can be sure to find Pepsi drinks there.

The primary benefit of becoming a Pepsi distributor is that you are able to have your own business while riding on the wings of another well known, successful brand.

How to Become a Pepsi Distributor in Nigeria

How to Apply to become a Pepsi Distributor

Becoming a Pepsi distributor requires that you contact the company and inform them of your interests. You can visit one of the company’s bottling plants near you and request for information on the process of becoming one of their distributors. You can also check out the company’s website from which you will fill a contact form online.

How does Pepsi distribution work

When you are a distributor with 7up bottling company, the company supplies you with its products (in this case, Pepsi which you have chosen). The product is supplied at discounted rates to the distributor. The number of Pepsi crates supplied by the company depends on the amount of money committed to the investment by the distributor. The company is also responsible for placing a cap on the selling price of its products. This way, the profits gained by the distributor are controlled. This means that when selling Pepsi, the profits made are within the allowed margin which is also fair enough to allow for return on investments.

Target customer

As a Pepsi distributor, most of your customers will be retailers. These ones buy it from you and then resell directly to consumers. The Pepsi distributor is the one in direct contact with the company.

Startup capital

Just like any other business, capital is an important factor in determining whether the business will begin or not. This is the first question you should ask when you want to start any business of any kind. There is no fixed amount of money required of you to become a Pepsi distributor in Nigeria.

Some begin with half a million and above when starting out on the Pepsi distribution business. Remember that the number of Pepsi products you will be given depends on the capital you put into the business.

If you know you cannot afford a huge start-up capital, you can partner with someone or people and pool resources together and become a distributor.

Have a viable business plan

A business plan is another important step in the Pepsi distributor business. The company will require that you submit a business plan. A business plan entails proper research on proposed marketing strategies that will work best for the company. It is highly advisable that before you start any business, you have researched on the most effective marketing strategies. You must have planned ways you would sell your products to prospective buyers.  Since your business demands that you sell to retailers. You should target sellers such as Food canteens, restaurants, eatery, supermarkets, canned drink vendors, event planners, snack joints etc. You can also reach your target audience via Social media. Advertise your products on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. In the Pepsi distribution business, you cannot make good profit if you do not have a good marketing strategy.


Part of your business plan should include research on the best place to locate your business. The location of your business is very important and can determine its success. Your business must be located in a place easily accessible to your customers.


You will also need to find a good place to store your Pepsi drinks after you have purchased them. You can store your drinks in a warehouse or a big shop. You will need a lot of space for your bottled drinks so they do not break. You can also make sure your shop or warehouse is near the road so people who need your product the most will get to it. You can also consider a location with large parking space so that retailers who buy in bulk will have no problem doing so.

Register your business 

Registering your business is not compulsory. However, it gives your business a professional look when it is registered. You can also get discounts with 7up bottling company when your business is registered.

The Profit Potential

7up products are widely accepted in Nigeria and this spells huge potentials for profits in the Pepsi distribution business. In almost every social gathering in Nigeria, there is never a short supply of Pepsi drink. The higher the demand for a product, the higher profits are realized as consumers exhaust what is already in the market. By distributing Pepsi, you stand a high chance of yielding returns on your investment.

Available Market

The target market for Pepsi includes wholesalers, restaurant owners, event planners etc. As said earlier, whenever there is a party, such as a naming ceremony, meeting, wedding ceremony etc., there is always a high demand for Pepsi. Hence, starting a Pepsi distributorship right is always financially rewarding to the distributor.

Taking Your Time to Understand the Business

As a Pepsi distributor, it is very important that you take out time to really understand the dynamics of the business. Do not assume that you know all about this business. You can make inquiries from those who are already in the business, ask about their successes, challenges, and failures. By asking around, you will gain insights into steps you can take to make your business successful.

Also, make inquiries about the parent company, 7up bottling company as you will be riding on their own success to make money for yourself.

Ensure you are business-minded and you do not turn the business into a giveaway shop. Understanding the intricacies of the Pepsi distribution business can mark the difference between failure and success for your business.


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