6. Idanre Hills
The Idanre Hills, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a breath-taking assortment of hills with a number of tourist interests. On the hill is an abandoned city with hither-to dwelt in houses, an ancient palace and shrine, all left intact on top of the hills.
A climb through the 640 steps with 5 resting places up to the top of the hills is rewarded with a first-hand view of settings on the hill and the Arun River and a clear stream which is claimed to give a strange feeling to people who swim in it. The top of the hills also presents a panoramic view of the Idanre town which is at the foot of the hills.
Idanre is in Ondo State of Nigeria.
7. Lake Chad
Lake Chad is the largest natural lake in Nigeria. The lake is of immense economic importance as it serves the agricultural needs of Borno State in Nigeria as well as those of the neighbouring nations of Niger, Cameroon and Chad.
Lokoja the town at which the confluence is formed is in Kogi State of Nigeria.
9. Badagry Town
Badagry is notable for a live presence of relics that can make one have a feel of the slave trade.
Interestingly, Badagry also has the spot where Christianity was first preached in Nigeria. It has the first storey building in Nigeria, built in 1845 and still standing.
Badagry is in Lagos State of Nigeria.
10. Olumo Rock
Olumo Rock served as a nature-given refuge for early settlers in Abeokuta against enemies. The features of the rock which prepared it as a refuge are amazing. A number of caves are designed to serve as rooms, halls and bunkers while the top serves as a point from where enemy advance could be monitored.
Olumo rock now boasts of a museum, restaurants, water fountain and an elevator to make a visit pleasurable.
The rock is located in Abeokuta, Ogun State of Nigeria.