Federal Polytechnic Nekede Courses & Requirements

The Federal Polytechnic Nekede is located in Owerri and was initially established as the College of Technology, Owerri on 1st April 1978. In 1987, it was renamed a Polytechnic by the government of Imo State. The Institution was however handed over to the Federal Government in April 1993. Federal Polytechnic Nekede is one of the leading polytechnics in Nigeria due to its technological forwardness. This article provides comprehensive information on the various courses and programmes available in the school and requirements for admission.

Federal Polytechnic Nekede Courses & Requirements

Federal Polytechnic nekede

Faculties in the Federal Polytechnic, Nekede are:

School of Business and Management technology

Programmes under this faculty are:


Co-operative Economics and Management

Purchasing and Supply

School of Business and Management technology

Public Administration

Office Technology and Management


Business Administration

Banking and Finance


School of Environmental Design and Technology

Programmes under this faculty are:


Town and regional planning

Transportation Service

Arts and Design

Urban and Regional Planning

Surveying and Geo-Informatics


Hospitality Management

Estate Management


School of Industrial and Applied Sciences

Programmes under this faculty are:

Physics and Electronics


Information Science


Biology/ Microbiology


Pharmaceutical Technology

Dispensing Technology

Library and Information Sciences

Fisheries Technology

Science Laboratory Technology

School of Engineering Technology

Programmes under this faculty are:

Chemical Engineering

Mechatronics Engineering

Agricultural Technology

Petroleum and Mineral Resources Technology

Agricultural/Bio Environmental Technology

Mechanical Engineering

Electrical/Electronic Technology

Computer Engineering

School of Humanities and Social sciences

Mass Communication

Admission Requirement for Mass Communication

Candidates who wish to study Mass communication in Federal Polytechnic Nekede must possess the following:

Credits in English language, Mathematics, and any other two from the following subjects: Government, literature in English, Geography, Commerce, Economics, Igbo, Fine art and History,
Information communication Technology and Christian Religious Studies.

Admission Requirements Federal Polytechnic, Nekede

Programmes available in Urban and Regional Planning and duration of the programme

  • Post-Higher National Diploma (Post HND) in Urban and Regional Planning (Morning) -2 years
  • Higher National Diploma (Morning/Evening/Weekend) – 2 Years which is 24 calendar months of four semesters
  • National Diploma (Evening) – 2 Years
  • National Diploma (Weekend) – 2 Years
  • Certificate Programme (Continuing Education Centre) – 1 Year or as specified

Students who have successfully completed the National Diploma Programme will be required to have gained at least one-year relevant post ND working experience in a recognised industry before they will be considered for admission into the Higher National Diploma

Admission requirements for Urban and Regional Planning

Candidates who wish to be admitted into the Programme should possess:

  • A minimum of lower credit level in Higher National Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning or any other related course from the institution itself or any other Polytechnic whose programmes have been accredited by the NBTE and TOPREC
  • Sc. with a minimum of a second class lower in Urban and Regional Planning or any related course from any recognised University
  • A pass in HND/BSC with a minimum of 10 years working experience in an establishment involved in Physical planning with evidence of employment i.e. a pass certificate
  • Note: It is compulsory that one submits one’s NYSC Discharge Certificate or Certificate of exemption
  • Applicant must be ICT compliant.

General Entry Requirements for (HND) Higher National Diploma (Morning/Evening/Weekend)

  • Candidate must have already obtained the minimum entry requirement for ND programme in the particular field.
  • Candidate must have obtained a National Diploma from the Polytechnic or any other recognized institution in the appropriate discipline with a minimum of a lower credit which is CGPA 2.50
  • A minimum CGPA of 2.75 at ND level for candidates who possess a Pre-ND and National Diploma in AC, BAM, SA, EE, ME, FT, STA from other institutions
  • Candidate must have completed at least 12 calendar months Post National Diploma industrial work experience in a field related to the proposed course of study by the date of admission
  • Candidate with pass level (from the Federal Polytechnic, Nekede only) and with CGPA not below 2.00 points in addition to a minimum of two years post-ND cognate working experience will be considered for admission.

Programmes Available For HND (Morning/Evening/ Weekend)

  1. Accountancy (AC).
  2. Business Administration & Management (BAM)
  3. Banking and Finance (BF)
  4. Marketing (MK)
  5. Purchasing and Supply (PS)
  6. Public Administration (PA)
  7. Co-operative Economics and Management (CEM)
  8. Office Technology and Management (OTM)
  9. Agricultural Engineering (AE)
  • Farm Power &Machinery (option)
  • Soil or water resources Engineering (option)
  • Cost Harvest Engineering (option)
  1. Civil Engineering (CE)
  • Structural Engineering (option)
  • Transportation Engineering (option)
  1. Electrical/Electronic Engineering (EE)
  • Power (option)
  • Telecommunication (option)

12. Mechanical Engineering (ME)

  • Production Engineering (option)
  • Air-conditioning and Refrigeration Building Services (option)
  • Automotive engineering (option)
  1. Architecture (AR)
  2. Building Technology (BT)
  3. Estate Management (EM)
  4. Urban and Regional Planning (URP)
  5. Food Technology (FT)
  6. Science Technology (ST)
  • Biology/Microbiology (option)

·        Chemistry(option)

  • Physics Electronics (option)
  • Environmental Biology (option)

·        Microbiology/Biochemistry(option)

  1. Library science (LS)

Requirements for National Diploma (Evening/Weekend)

Candidates who wish to be admitted for the National Diploma must have any of the following qualifications:

  • Credit passes in five subjects relevant to the programme in SSC/WBSCSTAGE II/NABTEC/NECO or any other equivalent, obtained at not more than two sittings
  • A pass at the final examination of the Pre-ND of the Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Owerri.

Available Programme for National Diploma (Evening/Weekend)

  1. Accountancy (AC)
  2. Business Administration and Management (BAM)
  3. Banking and finance (BF)
  4. Marketing (MK)
  5. Purchasing and Supply (PS)
  6. Public Administration (PA)
  7. Co-operative Economics and Management (CEM)
  8. Office Technology and Management (OFT)
  9. Agricultural Engineering (AE)
  10. Civil Engineering (CE)
  11. Electrical/Electronics Engineering (EE)
  12. Mechanical Engineering (ME)
  13. Computer science (CS)
  14. Food Technology (FT)
  15. Library Science (LS)
  16. Science Technology (ST)
  17. Fishery Technology
  18. Statistics (STA)
  19. Architecture(AR)
  20. Building Technology (BT)
  21. Estate Management(EM)
  22. Quantity Surveying(QS)
  23. Surveying and Geoinformatics (SUG)
  24. Urban and Regional Planning (URP)

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