Advantages of Private Universities in Nigeria

Many criticize private universities in Nigeria and mostly only advocate for public Nigerian universities. However, this article provides you with the advantages of private universities in Nigeria and the reasons you should consider studying in a private school.

Advantages of Private Universities in Nigeria

Advantages of Private Universities in Nigeria

Read on below:

A definite graduation date

This is the first on the list of advantages of private universities in Nigeria. Unlike public universities which are prone to strikes, Nigerian private universities have very little to no possibility of a strike. It is very common to hear that government or public universities are on strike or shut down in Nigeria. The downside to this is that the duration of time students is to spend on a program is lengthened. Other major disadvantages include the increase in crime rate by students of these institutions due to idleness. In a private university, you can accurately calculate the exact day you will graduate but you cannot do the same with a public school because unexpected strikes can happen.

It’s safer

In private universities, you will hardly hear of cult clashes, riots, and protests. Students can afford not to live in fear of cultists or other students vandalizing properties in the name of protests. These protests can be very violent where people can lose their lives and properties. One of the biggest problems with public universities is cultism. This has claimed the lives of thousands of innocent students and even the cultists themselves. However, students in private universities are relatively safe from the fear of attacks. Private universities are very strict and put measures in place to avoid cultism.

A faster syllabus

It takes just about 4 years in a private university to complete some government 5-year programs. Government schools have a slower academic calendar. Even without the problem of strikes, the calendar of a private school is usually faster than that of a public school.

A more concentrated learning process

Private schools provide a more thorough learning process than public schools. In Nigerian private schools, special attention is given to every student of the school. The lecturers of these schools all have a duty to pay special attention to each student and put them through their lacks. With this method of learning, your weakness is easily detected and addressed appropriately. However, in public schools, you cannot boast of the same luxury. Not with the size and population, it is usually impossible for the school to afford to provide each student with a unique learning experience. The administration of the school has almost no personal relationship with the students. Often times, they are not aware of any personal psychological needs of the students.

Better welfare

In a private school, the individual welfare of the students is well catered for. For example, accommodation is way better than that which you will get in public schools. Public schools sometimes have light or water problems, this is often not the case with private universities. The condition of their classes and the school environment is usually way better too. For example, when having classes, students of private universities will not be seen running to get seats due to limited seating space, because everyone gets to sit down comfortably. With good welfare, learning is made a lot easier because students will be less strained.

Better Moral Training

For many, the university is the melting point of their moral standards. However, Private universities have very strict enforcement of moral values, which helps in reducing the decay in moral values for their students.

Superior educational experience and tools

Most public universities are not just well equipped to provide their students with robust educational experience. This can be measured in terms of laboratory equipment standard and volume or availability per student. This thus affects the learning of the students.

Organized system

In private universities, there is more organization in terms of school administration. For example, you can get your transcripts easily or can be sure whatever issues you have will be quickly addressed.

No Lecturers Threat

In private universities, you will hardly see or hear about Lecturers harassing ladies or threatening to fail his or her students. The reasons why lecturers in public schools threaten to fail students can be simply ridiculous. There have been instances where lectures threaten to fail students because the students are using better cars or phones than them.

Smaller Class Sizes

Most private universities in Nigeria have smaller numbers of students. These schools insist on admitting a limited number of students, unlike public schools. What this means is smaller classes than in public schools. You can hardly be overlooked in a small classroom. Therefore, you will have your specific needs met. Smaller class sizes also contribute to improved learning, since students get more personalized teaching and can ask questions about the subject as needed.

Relatively easy admission process

It is non-arguable that the admission process to private universities is way easier than in public schools. In some public schools, one has to know someone who can work their admission out for them even if they are qualified.

Having your preferred course

In a private university, you can be sure to get your preferred course. This is due to comparatively reduced cut-off marks. You stand a better chance.

Better relationship with lecturers

In private universities, you have a better chance at having a better relationship with lecturers. Lecturers also hardly miss classes so they teach students to understand. If you have questions about a topic or need help navigating through some aspects of your course, you can be able to meet with your professor to get more information. This is very unlikely in a public university.


In private universities, there is a good number of securities personnel, starting from the gates. This also helps to increase the level of security.

Acquisition of extra skills

In a private university, you can have the chance of getting some other skills aside from school work for yourself. Some of these private schools have companies such as farms, bottling water companies, radio stations. Students are allowed to work here and acquire knowledge that will help them in the outside world.


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