20 Most Useless Courses to Study in Nigeria

There are some courses that you will study at a university in Nigeria that makes it difficult to build a successful professional career after graduation because there is little to no demand for such courses in Nigeria. However, this does not mean it’s impossible to land a job if you studied such courses, but it certainly would not be as easy as other marketable jobs in the Nigerian labour market. Read on to discover the courses with the least employment prospects in Nigeria. 

5 Hardest Courses to Study in Nigeria

The 20 most useless courses to study in Nigeria would be discussed below: 

  • Christian Religious Studies

This course is concerned with the analysis of Christian beliefs, behaviours and institutions. The skills you’d gain from studying Christian Religious Studies are not well sought after in the Nigerian job market. This means finding a high-paying job with a Christian Religious Studies degree in Nigeria will be difficult. That’s why a majority of graduates of this course are underemployed or unemployed.  

  • Social Studies 

Social Studies is another course that has low prospects in Nigeria. Spending four years in the university studying this course does not equip you with the skills that are desirable in the Nigerian job market. With a degree in Social Studies, you’d likely land jobs with poor remuneration which do not present opportunities for career advancement. 

  • Home Economics 

Another course in this list of the 20 most useless courses to study in Nigeria is Home Economics. This is because the skills you’d learn during the four years of studying Home Economics can be learnt in a shorter span and outside the four walls of a university. 

  • Horticulture 

Although agriculture is a thriving sector of the Nigerian economy, not all agricultural courses that are offered at the universities in Nigeria have high prospects in the country’s agrarian sector. One such course is Horticulture, as a degree in this course does not present a chance of enjoying career longevity and financial security. 

  • Sociology 

Sociology is another course that does not offer high prospects to graduates of the course, hence putting it on this list of the most useless courses to study in Nigeria. In Nigeria, it’s common to observe the majority of graduates of Sociology being underemployed as there is little to no demand for sociologists in the country. 

  • Zoology 

Zoology is another course that has minimal demand in Nigeria today as zoos which ought to be the primary employers of graduates of this course are not functioning. Although they may get employed elsewhere,  zoologists in Nigeria are usually underemployed. 

  • Archaeology 

The reasons Archaeology is a useless course to study in Nigeria include the lack of the right facilities necessary to teach this course in Nigerian universities and the lack of job opportunities after graduation as there is an apparent lack of funding for archaeology research in Nigeria.  

  • Library Science 

Library Science graduates who are trained to manage the affairs of libraries, do not generally have career opportunities to explore after graduating with a degree because the state of public and private libraries in Nigeria are mostly inactive. This means library science graduates are usually underemployed and may find it difficult to land high-paying jobs.  

  • Political Science 

Political Science, a course which is concerned with the study of political institutions, is another useless course to study in Nigeria. There is minimal demand for political scientists in the Nigerian political scene, which is where their services would normally be required. Finding work as a political scientist in Nigeria is therefore challenging.   

  • Physical and Health Education 

Physical and Health Education is another course that does not hold high prospects in Nigeria. Although a graduate of Physical and Health Education may find work as a PHE teacher or gym instructor, among other things, one can easily land those jobs without having a degree in Physical and Health Education and certainly without spending four years in a university to develop the skills for those jobs. 

  • Secretarial Studies 

This course is concerned with preparing one to be a secretary by providing training on how to enter texts and data into a computer, edit documents, design spreadsheets, customer service and organise events, among other things. These skills can be developed without studying this course in the university for four years. And the bulk of secretaries in Nigeria do not have this degree. 

  • History

History is another useless course to study in Nigeria. The job prospects for graduates of this course are very minimal in Nigeria. Graduates of History usually settle for the position of secondary school History teachers, of which we know how paltry their remunerations can be. 

  • Botany 

Botany as a course deals with the study of plants and the utility of plants to mankind. Although, a Botany degree presents prospects of finding a job performing plant analysis, research and environmental studies, the demand for the skills of botanists in Nigeria is minimal. 

  • Philosophy 

There is no doubt the study of Philosophy which focuses on knowledge, logic, reason and thought, promotes the development of skills such as critical and structured thinking, among other things. However, Philosophy doesn’t have a good reputation when it comes to the Nigerian job market as the demand is minimal. 

  • Geography 

In theory, Geography presents vast career options for geographers to explore after graduation, however, in Nigeria, it’s not as marketable as it seems. Mostly, graduates will teach Geography in secondary schools, or settle for other underpaying jobs. 

  • Local Government Studies 

Local Government Studies does not present bright prospects of landing high-paying jobs and career advancement in Nigeria as there is the least demand for graduates of this course in the job market. 

  • Demography and Social Statistics

Demography and Social Statistics do not hold high employment prospects in the Nigerian labour market. Hence studying this course at the university is not worth the resources and time you’d spend obtaining a degree in Demography and Social Statistics. 

  • Development Studies 

  • Crop Science 

  • Anthropology 

The consequences of studying the courses we’ve outlined above include not being able to practice your course of study, difficulty in finding jobs, and the feeling you’ve wasted time and resources. A postgraduate degree in a more marketable course may improve your chance of building a successful professional career.