Mosquitoes generally are classified into 112 genera. In Nigeria, you can find different types of mosquito species in different parts of the country. Since they are the primary source of several diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, dengue, west Nile fever, and some other diseases, it is safe to say that mosquitoes are regarded as one of the causes of death as their bites have killed many adults and children in several parts of the world according to World Health Organisation(WHO). Their bites also leave markings on the bodies of their victims. In this article, the different types of mosquitoes in Nigeria would be looked into.
The types of mosquitoes in Nigeria would be discussed below:
Female Anopheles Mosquitoes
Anopheles mosquitoes are also known as Marsh mosquitoes. This particular mosquito is known for spreading malaria. Anopheles mosquitoes are popular for being the cause of death of millions of adults and children in different parts of the world, including Nigeria.
Anopheles mosquitoes have 460 species of which the most popular is the Anopheles gambiae which is known as the vector carrying malaria. If we understand how the Anopheles mosquitoes operate, we would be able to know how they transmit malaria. This could help in creating different control measures that could help prevent the spread of malaria.
Another thing to take into account is that when creating control and preventive measures for malaria, consider how the mosquitoes feed and live. Note that while some feed inside the house, others feed outside. The ones that feed inside also rest inside, while the mosquitoes that feed outside rest outside.
Those that feed and rest inside are called Endophilic Anopheles mosquitoes, while those that feed and rest outside are called Exophilic Anopheles mosquitoes. Therefore, if you want to control the Endophilic Anopheles mosquitoes, make use of insecticides, insect repellents and mosquito-treated nets. If you want to prevent getting bit by the Exophilic Anopheles mosquitoes, always wear clothes that cover properly and use insect repellents before going outdoors. The use of a properly constructed netted window can also prevent mosquitoes from entering the house. All these can prevent and control mosquito bites that can lead to malaria and death.
Aedes Mosquitoes
Aedes mosquitoes are a type of mosquito commonly found in different parts of Nigeria. This type of mosquito is known to be the vector of diseases such as West Nile fever, dengue fever, chikungunya fever and other diseases.
In rural parts of Nigeria, you can find two species of Aedes mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti which is popularly known as the yellow fever mosquito and Aedes albopictus which is known as the Tiger mosquito.
What to note about Aedes mosquitoes is that they have white and black marks on their legs and parts of their bodies. They are also very active during the daytime as opposed to other types of mosquitoes. That is to say, Aedes mosquitoes bite only during the day, in the evening just before nightfall, and very early in the morning.
Since they are the vectors of yellow fever, many preventive measures have been put in place to prevent bites. Such preventive measures include the use of insecticides, mosquito nets, and insect repellents. There is also a vaccine that has been created to protect against yellow fever.
Culex Mosquitoes
Culex mosquitoes are another type of mosquito found in Nigeria. They are also known as House mosquitoes. Culex mosquitoes are the primary vectors of encephalitis, Rift Valley fever and other diseases.
Culex mosquitoes are mostly found in different towns and villages in Nigeria. They have different species. These species of Culex mosquitoes cause epidemics of some major diseases if they become abundant in certain regions.
These diseases that the Culex mosquitoes spread could be prevented and controlled by the use of insecticides and insect repellents, as well as mosquito nets.
Mansonia Mosquitoes
Mansonia mosquitoes are known for being the largest types of mosquitoes present in Nigeria in terms of size. Mansonia mosquitoes are dark in colour. They also have wings and legs that are shiny. They have about 27 species.
Mansonia mosquitoes are mostly found in rural areas of Nigeria. They are also vectors that transmit encephalitis. Mansonia mosquitoes are active in the evening and bite their victims in the evening. They breed in ponds and lakes which contain plants that only grow on water. These plants are mostly the floating kind such as water Hyacinth.
Mansonia mosquitoes can be controlled by destroying the water plants by using herbicides. When these plants are removed, Mansonia mosquitoes would not have a breeding ground hence this can help prevent the spread of the diseases they carry.
Psorophora Mosquitoes
Psorophora mosquitoes are a kind of mosquitoes found in the eastern part of Nigeria. They breed mostly on water hence they are called water mosquitoes. Psorophora mosquitoes are the primary vectors of encephalitis and ilheus infection.
Wyeomyia Mosquitoes
Wyeomyia mosquito is another type of mosquito in Nigeria. These kinds of mosquitoes are mostly found in rural areas of the country. Wyeomyia mosquitoes do not cause harm to people as they do not carry diseases.
They live in forests and are commonly found in bamboo stumps, tree holes, flower bracts, and broken bamboo trees. They have about 140 species.
Culiseta Mosquitoes
Another type of mosquito found in Nigeria is the Culiseta mosquito. Culiseta mosquitoes are mostly found in rock pools, streams, lakes and refuse dumps. These species of mosquitoes bite animals and birds. They can be controlled by destroying their breeding grounds.
Toxorhynchites Mosquitoes
Toxorhynchites mosquitoes are also known as Elephant mosquitoes. Unlike other types of mosquitoes, Toxorhynchites mosquitoes do not feed on blood. They only feed on plants. They mate mid-air and deposit their eggs on water surfaces.
Toxorhynchites mosquitoes have two colours. You can find the white ones and the yellow mosquitoes. These mosquitoes have a total of 90 species and do not rely on human or animal blood for food. During their incubation period, Toxorhynchites mosquitoes incubate their eggs for a period of 40 to 60 hours before hatching.