Nigerian Center for Disease Control: What You Need To Know

The Nigerian Center for Disease Control is a government establishment set up for the purpose of disease control, just as the name implies. The organization is concerned with research and investigation of health threats in Nigeria. They are equally concerned with preventing disease spread and they help prevent or control disease outbreak.


The Nigerian Center for Disease Control is concerned with the identification, assessment and communication of both current and emerging health threats.

Nigerian Center for Disease Control is working in partnership with other health protection bodies in various African countries towards strengthening and developing diseases surveillance as well as early waning systems.

The Nigerian Center for Disease Control equally works with agencies and experts in Europe for better service delivery. The body is set up in 2001.

Nigeria has been adopted as the hub of Africa’s Center for Diseases Control and this further makes the Nigerian Center for Disease Control a very important and this equally increases the body’s responsibilities. The Nigerian Center for Disease Control works together with other African countries, like Kenya, Zambia, Egypt and Gabon.

Aside the above, they are equally concerned with providing required training t6owards empowering Nigerians to enable them sustain good health system.

They provide required training to health workers, which help the health workers control disease spread in their various health facilities and local communities. They have up to 7 U.S. Assignees as well as 57 locally employed individuals.

The Nigerian Center for Disease Control provides employment to Nigerians with the right qualifications.

There are diverse health challenges in Nigeria and this is one of the reasons why the Nigerian Center for Disease Control is very important.  Their activities help to maintain the health stability of Nigeria.

The Nigerian Center for Disease Control has collaboration with various bodies and agencies. They equally collaborate with non-government organizations, universities and private institutions.

The main disease the Nigerian Center for Disease Control had encountered since establishment till date are highlighted below:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Stroke
  • Meningitis
  • Cancer
  • Protein-Energy Malnutrition
  • Road Injuries
  • Diarrheal Diseases
  • HIV
  • Lower Respiratory Infections

Additionally, the Nigerian Center for Disease Control is responsible for providing reports related to various health issues in Nigeria. Patients suffering from chronic diseases may need special health care, home health aide service by Fidelis Home Care 200 S 14th St, Midlothian, TX 76065 (972) 775-1000, visit for more details.

The body has been able to prove its worth in controlling diseases spread in Nigeria. One of such instances is the Ebola disease spread a couple of years ago. The Nigerian Center for Disease Control has also worked tirelessly to eradicate polio from Nigeria.

The body had also been able to manage measles and Lassa fever professionally, leading to their near-total eradication from Nigeria.

The other activities in which Nigerian Center for Disease Control participate in are listed below:

  • Training
  • Surveillance
  • Scientist advice
  • Preparedness and response
  • Microbiology programme
  • Health communication
  • Epidemic intelligence
  • Disease programmes

The various tools used by the Nigerian Center for Disease Control for their various researches and other activities are listed below:

  • Social and digital tools
  • Mobile app
  • Find a Clinic
  • Disease Directory
  • E-Research


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