How to Pay For Android Apps in Nigeria
Many android apps are free of charges. In fact, one can say android is the best among Smartphone brands when it comes to free app provision. Be that as it may, not all apps on Google play store are made available free of charges to android users; there are some apps that you will have to pay for.
While you may get lots of benefits from the free apps, there are times you just cannot do without the paid ones.
In the event you need to obtain one of the paid apps on Google Playstore but you do not know how to go about paying for it from Nigeria, this write up will open your eyes on the steps to follow regarding this. The steps are simple enough and easy to follow.
Acceptable payment methods
You can make use of PayPal to pay for the android apps and you can also make use of MasterCard or visa card. I have never come across anyone using verve card to make such payment. Your naira MasterCard or visa card will work perfectly, same with any other forms of MasterCard or visa cards you may have.
Payoneer MasterCard too will prove to be wonderful. It is domiciled in US dollars and this makes payment and deductions very easy; though certain charges are applied to its use; last time I checked, you may have to pay 3% of the amount you are spending as charges for the use of Payoneer MasterCard.
Each of these Nigerian banks has its own charges attached to online purchase. You may want to find out about these charges before you use their debit card in making payment. These days, virtually all the banks are charging $1 at the rate of 280 naira.
Aside the popular use of debit card, you can equally make use of PayPal to make your payment. The PayPal account in question must be linked to your bank account and you can transfer money from the linked bank account to your PayPal to make payment for the app.
How do I make payment?
The simple steps to follow will be highlighted below
• The first thing to do is to login to Google wallet
• Once you log in, you will see Device, Subscription, Reviews, Payment Methods and Transaction tabs. Choose Payment Method
• Click on Add Debit or Credit Card
• Provide your debit card number in the appropriate place. This refers to the 12 digit number at the front of the naira prepaid debit card.
• Provide the expiration date of the debit card
• Provide the security code; this is the last 3 numbers you can find behind the debit card
• Click on safe and you will be intimated if the payment has been accepted or not.
After payment, you can then launch that app you want to pay for on your android mobile device. Click on the Buy option and you will be taken to your Google Playstore wallet account. Provide the password and you are through.
After this, restart your mobile device and the application will be available for use after the phone has finished booting.