Is IPTV Legal in Nigeria? 

If you’re considering an alternative to the popular cable television services in Nigeria, you might have had someone recommend that you try IPTV. With thousands of premium channels to enjoy and compatibility with several internet-enabled devices, IPTV seems to be worth a try. But before you go ahead with IPTV, you would want to know what the position of the law is on internet protocol television services in Nigeria. Read on to find out if IPTV is legal in Nigeria and some additional information you’d need to make an informed decision on investing in IPTV. 

Is IPTV Legal in Nigeria

  • Is IPTV Legal in Nigeria? 

Yes, IPTV is legal in Nigeria. As of today (March 2023), no written law defines the use and operation of Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) services in Nigeria. The only legal issue that might arise is if IPTV fails to acquire proper media publishing rights for channels delivered to their subscribers. 

  • What is the Position of the Law on IPTV in Nigeria? 

There are currently no laws that expressly prohibit the use and operation of IPTV in Nigeria. More so, no written law has prescribed penalties for the use and operation of IPTV in Nigeria. Based on Section 36 (12) of the Federal Republic of Nigeria which describes what amounts to an offense in Nigeria, we can confidently say that IPTV is legal in Nigeria.

  • What is IPTV and How Does it Work? 

IPTV, short for Internet Protocol Television, is a streaming service that allows users to access thousands of television channels over the Internet. As an Internet Protocol Television service, you can only access these channels from a web-browsing device, such as an Android smartphone, iPhone, tablet, computer, or smart television.

Unlike traditional cable TV services, IPTV does not need a decoder to function. Instead, users would have to first install an IPTV app on the internet-enabled device they want to use to stream television content provided by IPTV service providers. Several IPTV-powering apps have been developed to function on smartphone operating systems such as Android and iOS, as well as for major smart television brands like LG and Samsung which are accessible from their respective content stores. 

The well-known IPTV apps include IPTV SmartersPro which is available for smartphones and smart televisions, Smart IPTV, and SmartOne IPTV. The SmartOne IPTV is notable for being one of the best user-friendly apps for IPTV subscribers whose devices are smart television, especially the LG brand. Apart from the IPTV SmartersPro app, the others mentioned might need you to purchase the premium versions after the expiration of the free trial window. 

Having the IPTV app installed on the web-browsing device is only half of what you need to stream television content via IPTV. The other requirement is to subscribe to enjoy IPTV services. There are several IPTV resellers across the world, but since you are in Nigeria, you may want to opt for a Nigerian IPTV reseller. Although there are numerous IPTV resellers in the country, their service delivery differs, hence you’d need to carry out your due diligence before you select which you want to get IPTV service from. 

To ensure you don’t get the short end of the stick when it comes to getting an IPTV reseller in Nigeria, we would recommend that you request a free trial from the reseller first. This free trial will afford you the chance to explore the content provided by the seller and the quality of the content delivery. You would want to know the number of channels offered, quality of service, uptime, bandwidth, and reliability by the IPTV reseller before you decide to subscribe.

With the IPTV app installed on your chosen device and the subscription paid for, you just need a good enough internet connection to stream content ranging from sports and movies to entertainment and news. Side by side with terrestrial TV services like GoTV and DSTV, IPTV provides a wider range of channels at a cheaper rate. 

  • What is the Price of IPTV Subscription in Nigeria? 

As we stated earlier, there are several IPTV resellers in Nigeria offering IPTV services to interested Nigerians. As such, the price that each reseller will charge a customer to subscribe to IPTV differs. However, IPTV services are usually pegged at around USD 10 per month (N4603 based on the official exchange rate as of March 2023). Some IPTV resellers, however, might offer better deals if you pay for subscription packages for multiple months at a go. 

  • What Channels Can be Accessed via IPTV in Nigeria? 

The number of television channels you can access via IPTV runs into thousands. There are over 10,000 channels available for you to enjoy via the IPTV stream. We should point out that most IPTV resellers have organized archives of television channels. 

With thousands of TV channels available to choose from, you may wonder if your favourite TV show you follow on DSTV (or other cable TV services) could be available on IPTV. The answer is YES. You are certain to come across popular TV channels like Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, African Magic channels, BET, Trace, Sound City, Sky Sport, Supersport, and more. What’s more, you can always pause and continue watching content on IPTV as you choose. 

If you’re considering investing in IPTV for your home entertainment needs,  we think it’s worth it. The service is legal in Nigeria so you wouldn’t be on the other side of the law if you go ahead to use IPTV. With thousands of television channels to choose from, you’d find IPTV to be relatively cheaper than the terrestrial TV services available in Nigeria. Although IPTV could be streamed using smartphones and tablets, we think you’d enjoy the best IPTV streaming experience if you chose a Smart Television compatible with the IPTV app.