How to Apply for Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Programme

The Federal Government of Nigeria in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) established the Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Programme to connect young Nigerian graduates under the age of 30 with private and public sector organizations across various industries for 12 months so they can acquire hands-on experience, knowledge and relevant skills to improve their employability in the job market. In this article, we’ll be discussing how to apply for the Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Programme, whether as a young graduate or a host organization. Read on.  

How to Apply for Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Programme

How to apply for Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Programme would be discussed below:

  • How to Apply for Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Programme as a Young Graduate

This section of this article will discuss the application process of young graduates for the Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Program right up to the selection process. The eligibility requirements for young graduates (in this case Fellows) would also be outlined. 

  • What are the Eligibility Criteria for Fellows? 

There are certain criteria that every young graduate wishing to apply for the Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Programme must possess to be eligible. They include: 

  • You must be a Nigerian citizen 
  • You must not be more than 30 years 
  • You must be a fresh graduate of any discipline, either with a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher National Diploma (HND) Certificate
  • You must have graduated with at least a Second Class Lower as a Bachelor’s Degree holder, or Upper Credit if you’re an HND Certificate holder
  • You must have completed the compulsory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) or possess a Certificate of Exemption from NYSC
  • You must possess good oral and written communication skills 
  • You must demonstrate commitment to contributing to the socioeconomic development of Nigeria 
  • You must demonstrate an interest in your chosen career field 
  • The Application Process 

After you have confirmed you satisfy the aforementioned criteria, you can proceed to apply for the Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Programme by registering at You’ll be required to supply all the information required of you on the Application Form before proceeding to submit it. Thereafter an activation code would be sent to your email address to complete the registration process. If you don’t see the activation code in your mailbox, check your Spam or Junk folder.  

The application can only be done electronically through the URL provided above, so you can’t apply through any other medium.

  • The Selection Process 

The application portal of the Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Programme usually opens for six (6) weeks, that is from the starting to the closing date. After all the applicants have submitted their applications, the next stage is the selection process. During the selection process, an independent talent management company reviews all the submitted applications of applicants to produce a long list of candidates after which they would be required to go through a series of aptitude tests and assessments. You are a successful candidate if the programme communicates with you afterwards. So, if you don’t get the feedback you know you weren’t selected to be a Fellow of the programme. The successful Fellows will then be matched to host organizations in their chosen fields. In some cases, Fellows may be placed in host organizations outside their field of discipline. 

  • How to Apply for Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Programme as a Host Organization 

Since the Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Programme seeks to connect young talents with local job opportunities, private and public sector organizations across various industries can apply to provide Fellows with a meaningful fully paid 12-month placement opportunity. Here, we’ll list out the eligibility criteria for host organizations as well as the application and selection process. 

  • What are the Eligibility Criteria for Host Organizations? 

The Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Programme welcomes partnerships with public and private organisations from a range of sectors including construction, agriculture, real estate, health services, transportation, research and development, startup economy, financial services, innovation and creative industries, the digital and technological sector, and key public and international development institutions.  Interested organisations must satisfy eligibility requirements to qualify to serve as host organizations for the programme. 

Below are the eligibility requirements for host organizations: 

  • Must have up-to-date regulatory documentation including Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) Certificate of Registration
  • Must provide an official letter of interest that shows commitment to providing paid placement opportunities to Fellows in line with the objectives of the Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Programme
  • Must provide clear descriptions of available role requirements 
  • Must have an agreement to provide mentorship support to Fellows through devoted sessions with existing professionals within their organizations 
  • Must possess agreement to adhere to the programme’s guidelines and to sign a code of conduct 
  • Must have policies against sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, as well as non-gender policies on ethnicity, religion, gender and disability status
  • The organization must not have any criminal records, or convictions or be affiliated with terrorists, drug traffickers, illicit trade or child labour 
  • The Application Process 

Having satisfied the above requirements, the application process begins with the organisation registering on, and filling up the mandatory needed on the Application Form. This is the only recognized medium for prospective host organizations to express interest. 

  • The Selection Process 

Prospective host organizations that satisfy all the eligibility criteria would then be integrated into a database of host organisations pending matching with pre-qualified Fellows. Prospective host organizations will be matched with talented Fellows that align with the needs of the organization and vice versa.

Since its inception in 2021, the Nigeria Jubilee Fellows Programme has connected 200,000 Fellows yearly with a broad range of private and public sector organizations across the 36 States and the Federal Capital Territory. This programme affords the Fellows the chance to acquire hands-on experience, practical knowledge and ‘on-the-job’ skills aimed at improving the employability and competitiveness of these young talents in the job market. 

All Fellows enjoy a monthly stipend of N100,000 for the 12 months of the programme, provided they meet their planned results for each month. Normally, after the 12 months, the job placement the Fellows enjoy would cease, however, some may be retained if they were exceptional and showed stellar attributes during the duration of the programme.