Top 10 Strangest Buildings In The World

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, you realize creativity has no limit. Here we take a look at the strangest buildings in the world from a stone house design to being shaped as a basket to looking like a pair of pants.

Find list of the top 10 strangest buildings in the world.

1. Palais Ideal du Facteur Cheval, France

Palais Ideal du Facteur Cheval, France


2. Niterol Contemporary Art Museum, Brazil

Niterol Contemporary Art Museum, Brazil

3. Habitat 67, Canada

Habitat 67, Canada


4. Longaberger Headquaters, USA

Longaberger Headquaters, USA


5. Dancing Building, Czech Republic

Dancing Building, Czech Republic


6. Gate of Orient, China

Gate of Orient, China


7. Kansas City Library, USA

Kansas City Library, USA


8. Atomium, Belgium

Atomium, Belgium


9. The Crooked House, Poland The Crooked House, Poland


10. Stone House, Portugal

Stone House, Portugal

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