Have you ever attempted to pay for an item purchased online or fund one of your accounts online and you were prompted to type in your OTP or provide an email for steps on how to register for safe token via the ATM? This can be very frustrating as some customers get the safe token registration error even when they can use their bank accounts make online transfers.
This article will clearly explain all needed to be done so you can easily make that transfer, pay for online purchases or fund online accounts.
What Is Safe Token?
Safe Token is a 6 to 8 one time digit (also known as one time password, OTP) that is sent to your phone number which was used to register at your bank via text message. Whenever you see a safe token prompt it means that transaction is initiated via the Interswitch payment portal. SO this automatically means that not all transactions require safe token.
After you receive the one time password on your mobile phone all you have to do is type the numbers in the box provided and the transaction would be completed if correct. If you do not get the OTP, then you should dial *322*0# and the OTP will be generated and sent to your phone. But if you have never registered for the Safe Token OTP before, you can follow the steps below.
How To Register for Safe Token OTP on any ATM in Nigeria
As explained by Quickteller, below are the steps needed on registering for the Safe Token service via any ATM around you.
- Locate the nearest ATM in your neighborhood
- Insert your ATM card into it and type in your 4 digit PIN and hit the Enter/Accept button
- Select your bank account type (Savings or Current)
- Select Quickteller for the list of services displayed
- Next, Select Pay Bills option
- Select Others from the options displayed
- Enter 322222 as the Biller Code
- Type in your Phone Number when asked for customer reference number and hit the Proceed/Enter button
- A display showing “Do you want to make this payment?” Amount Due:N1 (do not adjust/change the amount)
- Next, Click on “Pay Amount Due”
A successful registration message would be displayed after carrying out the last step above and after this you can make any online transaction as the OTP would be sent automatically to your phone number immediately you get to any page that requires the OTP.
Also note that as soon as the OTP is sent to your phone and you do not input it into the box provided, as a security measure it will expire after 9 minutes and you will be needing a new OTP code to complete the transaction.
NOTE: The OTP Token is different from the token generated by the internet banking device provided by your bank for internet transfer.
O need my otp password
This OTP has been manipulated by fraudstars, I did not register for it, but some smart guys from nowhere linked my access bank details and my bank registered phone number to it, sent me a four digit pin to read to them over my phone line to be debited 39k yesterday 16/03/2020. At 11:26am. Thank God I did not do as they said. Please help us bring in more security measures to this service. Thanks.
I want to register for OTP
why is my card no connecting please
I want to registered for otp
It’s not the same number i used to open my account am using now what can I do?
I need my password or otp on this phone number please and please and please I beg you millions times
i registered for safe token after i changed my ATM card but am not getting any message, how do i go about it.
i need my otp t