Plantain Farming in Nigeria: How to Start Plantain Plantation Business

If you’re planning to start a plantain farming or plantation business in Nigeria, then you’re on the right page. Here, you’ll learn all you need to know to get started.

One of the few agricultural ventures that can be described as a true investment is plantain farming. Plantain farming is one of those ‘fit for all’ businesses that could be run successfully with little attention once it is established.

We have all consumed plantain in one form or the other.  Actually plantain provides more than 25% of the carbohydrate requirement for about 80million Africans. This singular fact makes plantains a part of the top ten staples that feed the world and the plantain farming business a very lucrative one.

Let us delve more into this plantain farming business and explore the potentials thereof.

The Demand and Market for Plantain

Nigeria is not known worldwide for the production of plantain not because we do not produce enough plantain but because the plantain we produce does not satisfy the country’s domestic demands so we can’t even consider exporting plantain.

The demand for plantain is so high because it is consumed in different forms by different people and it is also used as raw materials. Plantain is used in making plantain flour. Plantain can be eaten boiled or roasted. They can be fried and eaten alongside with rice or beans. They could also be processed into plantain chips, popularly called ‘kpekere’.

Now that we have established the demand for plantain, your entrepreneurial mind may already be jumping in the excitement of discovering such an opportunity but here is the real shocker: Nigeria produces about 2.8 million metric tons of plantain annually and almost all are consumed locally so if a bunch of plantain costs N1000 the market size should be roughly N450 billion- assuming that a bunch of plantain is 10kg. I am not very good in mathematics so I stand to be corrected but what this means is that in a year people spend about N450 billion buying and selling plantain.

Wow! I forgive you if your entrepreneurial mind wants to explode. I think you should let it explode you into action. Just make sure you read on to find out how you can start your own plantain farming business and begin to tap into this huge market.

What you need to begin a plantain plantation business


We all know that you need land for growing any type of plant but what I want to emphasize here is that you need a particular type of land. Plantain grows best in Tropical regions. If you are serious about plantain farming as a business, then you will need to acquire a fairly large land, say a hectare or two. The land should preferably be a virgin land but if that is not possible, you can revitalize a used land by using manure and compost fertilizers. Another thing to consider when acquiring a land for plantain farming is the water retaining capability of these lands. You need a land that drains well as young plantain plants don’t do well in wet conditions. In preparing your land for plantain farming, you have to put into considering the PH value of the land. You have to treat for pests and do some pre-planting improvements.

Plantain seeds (suckers) 
The Plantain plant is not a tree in the real sense of the word. Plantains cannot be propagated from seeds like other trees. It is an herb and like most herbs it is propagated through asexual methods. The element for plantain propagation is called sucker. Acquiring the plantain sucker will be the very first challenge you may have to face. Experts advice that you visit reputable plantations with vigorous plants and purchase suckers from them. When purchasing look for suckers with small, spear shaped leaves and are about one foot high.
Suckers are normally priced around N180.


When planting the suckers you just acquire, your holes should be spaced by at least a couple of meters. This will ensure that the plantain trees will not compete between themselves. Also there is a need to remove all types of weed and grass that can compete with these suckers before you begin planting, according to Oxleas Tree Surgeons (or just use tree lopping in Perth) . You may use herbicides to prevent the re-growth of these weeds. Remember, that soil need to be only slightly moist.

Plant care

The plantain plant is very easy to take care of. But the process of taking care of the plant will be responsible for about half of the work and expenses in your plantain plantation business. Like every other plant, the plantain plant cannot do well amidst weed. So strict weed control should be put in place. Protect the plant from strong wind and provide it with water. As far as fertilizer go, the dead plantain leaves that falls off can maintain soil quality but if you want to apply synthetic fertilizer, then a very balanced one with Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium should be used. Please never use urea for your plants.

How much do you require to start and run a plantain farm till harvest?

The answer to this question pretty much depends on the size of your farm and the nature of your health. If you are going to be involved in the weeding, fertilizer application and other farm activities, you will greatly reduce the cost.

As a quick approximation I will say that half a million naira i.e. N500,000 will be enough to start and run a plantain plantation till harvest. This approximation assumes that you will involve yourself with the farm work even when you hire laborers.

Are there other things you should know?

  • Plantain farming is really lucrative. If you can plant a hectare of plantain, you will get your money back in your first harvest
  • Once established, your plantain farm will give you money every week as different trees will become ready for harvest at different times.
  • Shelu Abu, a Managing Director at Shelu Farms in Ikorodu once told news men that “even if you spent N1,000 setting up a plantain farm, I can assure you that within a year and six months, you will make N4,000”.

Yet, these plantain trees will continue to give you money for at least three to five years. Now that is a true investment!

Let us know what you think and your experiences with plantain farming in the comments. We love to interact!

59 thoughts on “Plantain Farming in Nigeria: How to Start Plantain Plantation Business”

  1. l want to start the business and I would like to know how many suckers could be planted in one plot of land?

    How do you guard against thieves?

    Any plantain disease?

    What do you do to minimize wind?

    Thank you

  2. For ur quality planting materials; Hybrid plantain/banana sucker,cassava stems( white/yellow rooted),avocado seedlings, dwarf pawpaw seeds,sweet pineapple sucker,cashew seedlings, citrus seedlings/grafted/budded and other planting materials of ur choice.
    For ordering call/WhatsApp:08133354055 @ SARAB Agroconsult; we are always available for u ooooo

  3. Let’s help you set up, manage your plantain farm and help you sell your plantain. Multi-cultured Suckers are available in large quantities.
    You can reach us @ 08134730867. AT ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY.

  4. Thanks for the knowledge you shared , this has reallygiven me a great knowledge of how to start mine . Please can you tell me how many suckers can be planted in 5 acres of land? Thanks

  5. God bless you for sharing this educative write up on plantain plantation. I will like to know what happens after 3 to 5years of making money from the plantation as you mentioned in the write up, will it stop producing plantain or what?

  6. Thank you sir for this writeup it’s very educative, I am actually thinking of what type of farming to start with, I have been looking into cocoa and rice, but I think I will start with any of these plantain and cocoa farm. Well done sir

  7. i find this very helpful thanks for the write up. i just acquire a plot of land in Ogun state and i want to go into plantain farming. please how many sucker do i need for a full plot of land.

  8. That is a very good write up on plantain plantation.
    I didn’t take note of your name please.
    Chuks Increase is my name, I can be of help to manage a plantain plantation. Am located in Lagos state.
    Tel no / whatsapp no 08023309486.
    Once more good work on the write up and thanks.
    Wishing you all,all the best.

      • plantain farming is profiting today you might not know about tomorrow.
        Start small and end great. To get your pure hybrid suckers at a cheaper rate from 1000 suckers upward and below contact 08147125930, 07055701030. A trial will convince you.
        we are based in ogbomoso and iwo. price is 100 naira but negotiable depending on the rate of suckers needed.

  9. Writer, thanks for ur input can u tell us where I push of platain sold for 1500, go to Oje that is where majority of platain farmer sold there product and its 600 per bunch, if it’s platain flower people,it’s 50 per killo.

  10. Thanks for this insightful knowledge. I just started my plantain plantation at Cross River state unfortunately there are no options on this site with which I could upload some pictures. Finally, I want to say that I am just 23 years old and currently in 400L in Sch… If I can do it…What’s ur excuse???

  11. Sir, thank you for this great write up on plantain plantation. please I have half a plot of land some where on Ogum state. can the land be enough at least for a start.

  12. Sir, Thank you for taking time to put this up.
    I’ve been considering a few agricultural items to go into but seem to have lots of unanswered questions on my mind. Ranging from associated risks and problems which sometimes articles ignore. Knowing these, i believe, will boost one’s confidence and prepare one’s mind.
    For instance, how does one tackle the problem of theft of farm produce by the locals. Thank you.

  13. Good evening sir. After going through your articles on plantain farming. It was very exciting to be a plantain farmer. So sir I have some piece of land in my community in Delta State. Presently now I have no capital to start. I have been nursing this dream of mine sir. The land is just there doing nothing for me.

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