What is Spinach in Yoruba Language?

In Yoruba, Spinach is called Efo tete. Efo means vegetable and this vegetable has numerous health benefits.

In this post, we’ll highlight some of the benefits of Spinach.

There are different types of Spinach and the one found in Nigeria is called the African spinach. The botanical name is Spinacia oleracea.

The leaf is green and it’s a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Typically, spinach can be eaten raw as part of salad or can be cooked when preparing traditional soups.

Some of the vitamins and minerals contained in spinach include potassium, manganese, zinc, magnesium, iron, and calcium and vitamins like folate, niacin, vitamin A, vitamin B6 and vitamin C and traces of thiamine and riboflavine. Spinach is also packed with beta-carotene, lutein, xanthene, and chlorophyllin.

Some of the health benefits of Spinach include:

  • Neurology

Spinach contains potassium, folate, and several antioxidants that have been linked with neurological benefits.

For instance, folate has been associated with the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. Also potassium is an important constituent of brain cells as it can boost blood flow to the brain while improving neural activity, cognition and concentration. Your brain is sort of a spectacular organ. Many folks take it without any consideration since majority of our thoughts and actions operate from a subconscious level. Not many of us realise that you simply can actually train your brain to perform at a way higher level than it’s now. Imagine the planet of possibilities and opportunities which will be opened to you. We can achieve this by using Neuro Soundwaves. This leading edge technology embeds various soundwaves in music to assist your brain achieve a particular frequency. it’s non-intrusive and safe. By doing so, it helps to strengthen the bond between the various neurons in your brain which can improve your mental capabilities. You can get more info at Bio neuro about neuro technology.

As brain imaging technology has advanced, so too has our understanding of how the brain works. One of the most significant findings has been the discovery that our brain doesn’t stop growing when our body does; that is, that it has the ability to adapt and change right up to the end of our life. This means that just because we have well established ways of processing information and responding to our environment, we are still capable of developing new and more constructive ways in the future. While a deeper understanding of neuro-plasticity is extremely relevant for people who have suffered from a stroke or other traumatic brain injury, what has piqued my interest most is its application for those of us whose brains already work perfectly well. Most days, anyway. For the best neurosurgeon in the Melbourne do visit us.

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  • Blood pressure

The potassium content of spinach is very beneficial in managing blood pressure as potassium is linked with lower blood pressure level.

  • Vision

Spinach is a rich source of beta-carotene, lutein, and xanthene which have been known to improve eyesight and maintain excellent vision. Intake of spinach can also prevent vitamin A deficiencies, itching eyes, eye ulcers, and dry eyes due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Spinach also treats macular degeneration which can lead to blindness. The cause of this ailment is usually loss of lutein and xanthene which spinach can help replenish.

The antioxidants contained in spinach can also help protect and positive impact vision whole preventing eye conditions like glaucoma and cataracts.



  • Muscle strength

Spinach contains COQ-10 which is an enzyme that strengthens the muscles especially the heart muscles while continually pumping blood to different parts of the body.

Also, COQ-10 has been linked with the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases like hyperlipidemia, heart failure, hypertension and coronary heart disease.

  • Bones

Spinach contains vitamin K which improves the retention of calcium in the bone matrix, thereby leading to bone mineralization. It also contains manganese, copper, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus which help to build strong bones. This can help prevent osteoporosis while maintain healthy bones and teeth.

  • Digestion

Spinach has the ability to protect the mucous membrane of gastrointestinal tract especially tract which can help prevent gastric ulcer and inflammatory conditions of the bowels

Overall, spinach is an excellent source of protein and fiber and can give your body metabolism a boost. It can also help if you’re trying to lose weight by curbing your cravings.

This probably explains why doctors and nutritionists recommend spinach as a part of a healthy diet.

  • Heart

Heart related conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks and stroke can be prevented with a diet of spinach which contains lutein that has been linked with the prevention of these conditions

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