You may be looking to change your car to a new one and you probably need to sell it in order to get some extra money for the new car. Or maybe you just need to raise some cash quickly and selling your car seems like the best way to do that, for that check this website which helped me to sell my car. Know more about 5 tools for a successful digital car dealership at
Well, the simple summary is you’d like to sell your car as soon as possible and at a very good price. Interestingly, there are buy here pay here dealerships provide great platform that can help you with this process and this article will guide you through these channels.
Evaluate Your Car
The first thing you would need to do is to personally evaluate your car. For instance, there may be some obvious repairs that you might need to do before putting the car up for sale. You may also need to wax the car and possibly give it an extensive wash at the car wash in order to improve its look. This is very important because the way your car looks may encourage or discourage potential buyers. For example, a car with scratches or dent may be seriously undervalued even if it has a good engine. Likewise, you can increase it’s value with custom car wraps.
However, it is important these face lifts, repairs and things like tire service Chandler are done at minimal cost because sometimes your prospective buyer may still value your car at the same price with another car of the same model with no refurbishments.
Getting A Quote
After these repairs and improvements, the next thing is to contact an automobile expert. This expert could either be a car dealer like or your local mechanic. He would then give you a reasonable quote based on the market value of the car. You can also employ his service to help sell the car, and he would be given a commission after a successful sale.
Selling Your Car
You should always confirm that the selling price of your car is comparable with the market value. This is because it is possible that your intermediary might want to play a fast one on you, hence he gives you a quote that is less than the market value.
Also, you should know that people will try to knock down the price of your car below your proposed price. Some will even offer ridiculous prices. Well, whatever the case, you should try to remain cordial and professional when dealing with them. However, in some cases you might just have to settle for a price that is slightly below the market value if you need the money urgently or your car has some significant defects.
You can sell your car across so many platforms. You can use any of the popular social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp or Blackberry Messenger. You should keep your options open with these platforms because you just might have a friend, acquaintance or relative as a potential buyer.
You can also use platforms dedicated to buying and selling used cars. There are many of such and we’re recommending some of them based on their reliability and proven track records. These platforms have rules which you have to abide by when attempting to sell your car in order to enjoy a hitch free transaction.
Carmudi was recently renamed ‘Jumia Car’ in reference to their parent company Jumia Nigeria. You can sell your car or even buy cars on this platform.
Car 45
Cars45 is another online platform where you can sell your car in as little as 45 minutes. On this platform you don’t have to wait for buyers to find your car’s picture before you can sell. Cars45 works with many business partners spread across the country who are actively bidding for cars in real time. Basically, it works in 3 easy steps. Once you input the details of your care online; they evaluate it within 10 seconds. If you are satisfied with the quote, you can then take your car to any of their centers closest to you and they would buy your car within 45 minutes
Carxus is also an online portal where car dealers and private individuals meet. On this platform you can even sell boats, trucks, motorcycle or trailers such as you can get if you go to Dorsey Trailers. You can easily browse their catalog of vehicles to have an idea of how much your car is worth based on the quote other sellers have placed on your type of car. Afterwards, you can go ahead to put up your car for sale.
Cheki is an online marketplace that collaborates with thousands of car dealers, importers and private sellers. They do not sell cars directly but instead link you up with potential buyers. Many car dealers are on Cheki hence you can gain access to a massive selection of potential buyers by using this platform.
Olx is an online marketplace for everything you can think of and cars are one of them. Olx is easy to use; however you might need to be wary of miscreants posing as potential buyers. Also, Olx has an advert option in which you can boost your car. This helps if you want to sell really fast however you’ll need to pay a fee for this.
Wrapping Up
There are a couple of things that can increase the prospects of you selling your car irrespective of the online platform you’re using.
First, you have to work on the quality of your presentation which is the way you present your car to your prospective buyers. These include the quality of your photo shots and how you list the specifications of your vehicle. Make sure you take proper photo shots with a very good camera and make sure you include the add-ons of your car such as the tinted glass, fog light and so on.
Also, depending on how fast you may want to sell your car, you might need to increase you audience reach by paying a small fee to ensure you car is one of the top listed cars on these sites.
Generally, selling your car may be a difficult and tedious process; however the currently available platforms can help turn this arduous task into a simple and straightforward process.