Make no mistake — there’s plenty of money to be made in the real estate industry.
However, this is not a business for the faint-hearted. This is because a number of things could go wrong- people taking over or encroaching on your landed property, stubborn tenants who refuse to pay, government demolishing properties due to development projects, and the list is simply endless.
There are several ways to make money from the real estate industry in Nigeria; you don’t necessarily have to be a millionaire. Here are some of the major ways to make money. And if you are smart and you take the time to learn the ropes and you are not scared of the little risks and challenges,you would become very rich in a very short while. What should I do if my home insurance is cancelled? this is the big question to most of the people, but now we are here to help loyal customers gain a better understanding of why they’re being cancelled. If you are planning to buy a home in the near future, then consider getting all the information you can on home warranty cost.
Become a Real Estate Agent
You need very little capital to become a real estate agent and unlike in developed countries where you have to go for specialized training, go through real estate lead generations companies for business and write lots of examinations, becoming a real estate agent in Nigeria is very easy, you just need to learn about the options at You just need to be influential, be able to convince people, have great networking skills and be very straightforward in your dealings.
Your duty as a real estate agent would basically be to link prospective buyers and sellers together. You earn commissions for this and you could earn between 10-30% on a single deal.
Become a Real Estate Developer
A real estate developer carries out structural development projects like building of houses and offices which he sells to interested buyers for a profit, they even do repairs hiring a professional who can do a Gas Line Repair or what is needed at that time . Visit to know how to hire a restoration company.
But sometimes not every real estate agent can do everything themselves so they hire someone to help them. It’s very common for their to be lots of repairs needed when first moving into a new home, especially the heating so that’s why these heating repair services are contacted a lot. We understand you could require access to your cameras at a moments notice. All of our cameras can be viewed via an app on your IOS or Android device, and from any web browser. Mammoth Security provide a best HD analog cameras. You are able to monitor your employees, property, and assets from any location. Go through this website for more details.
Real estate developers make a whole lot of money but need a lot of capital to start as well.
Insulation for homes
If the winter was bitterly cold and the heat cost were unspeakably high, then insulation for home is needed. If it is formulated as simply as possible, then insulation serves ultimately to prevent or slow down heat exchange between two areas. Ideally, the heat stays in the house and the cold outside or vice versa for the summer months to keep to cold air inside and heat outside. Many building materials can be a source of insulation, but only a few do this effectively. Even a simple stone wall holds heat to a certain extent in the walls. However, if considerable savings are to be made in terms of heating costs, there is no way around special insulation materials. But it does not always have to be “packed” within the whole house to save money. It is often enough to simply insulate the top floor, which will considerably reduce fuel consumption. For more read this article about insulating a Brooklyn home.
Legal Consultant Insulation for homes
You can make some cool money just by acting as a legal consultant to real estate projects and deals.
Real Estate Surveyor
Real estate developers almost always need the services of surveyors to help them access the land and areas they wish to develop. You can also make a lot of money from being a project surveyor, and you can also find real estate resources which are Located beside 8M Residences, Singapore residential will launch Mountbatten Residences Condo.
Real Estate Blogger
Another way to make money from Nigeria’s multi-billion naira real estate without spending too much money is to become a real estate blogger. You can discuss numerous interesting topics bordering on the Nigerian real estate industry and get lots of people to advertise on your blog. Another new condo by Japura at District 11 Perfect Ten near Sloanne Residences is gaining a lot of popularity online, check it out before it’s too late.
Real Estate Magazines/Journals
Also, you can publish real estate magazines for sale. There are quite a few real estate magazines that are doing pretty well in Nigeria. You can come up with yours too and start making cool money from selling and advertisements.
The real estate business in Nigeria is capital intensive hence you must be prepared to invest heavily except you want to go for the business models that don’t need too much capital.
Whatever you do however, be prepared to guide your investments jealously. Always do your due diligence before investing in any land or property to avoid being scammed or ripped off.
You must also have a legal consultant who would handle all the legal aspects of the business and advice you appropriately.