PWC Nigeria: All You Need to Know

PWC NigeriaPricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) is one of the biggest four audit firms in the world. They have a network of firms in 157 countries with more than 184,000 staff who are well trained in delivering quality assurance, tax and advisory services. They are the largest provider of professional services in Africa with about 450 partners and over 8,500 staff in 32 countries.

PWC Nigeria Services

Audit and assurance: PwC Nigeria has knowledge and expertise needed for complex financial accounting issues on matters such as valuations, pensions and shareplans, listings, IFRS conversions and corporate treasury and company secretarial functions.

Consulting services: PwC increases performance of clients by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their key business operations.

Capital projects and infrastructure: They also assists clients in the public and private sectors to plan, manage and deliver large scale projects.

Deals and transaction services: They assists corporations, financial investors and lenders in structuring tax-effcient deals and performing due diligence reviews to uncover potential financial and strategic risks or rewards. She also applies due diligence review findings for their clients full advantage during negotiations.

Tax: PwC offers services to assist taxpayers with tax planning, compliance, revenue negotiations and appeals.

Business community management: They help organizations with the capability to respond to and cope with disruptions.

Major Clients Of PwC

Some of their clients at the international level includes: Goodyear, Toyota, Volkswagen, Ford, Bank of America, Anheuser Busch, IBM, Kellogg’s, Kraft Foods, American Express, Freddie Mac, eBay, Nintendo, CBS, Viacom, Walt Disney, Chevron, Exxon Mobil, Nike and Yahoo.

PwC Nigeria Contact Details

PwC’s Nigeria head office is located at 252E MuriOkunola Street, Victoria Island, P.O. Box 2419, Lagos, Nigeria.


Phone: [234] (1) 271 1700


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