Top 5 Causes of Corruption in Nigeria

It has become a norm for people in all aspects of the Nigerian society to constantly engage in obtaining power, influence and other personal gains through illegitimate means.

More surprising is the fact that no punitive measures are place to curb this.

In most processes you are often presented with the normal and slow way or the faster and palm greasing alternative.

Corruption has eaten so deep that when you find someone who is not corrupt it becomes surprising.

What then is the cause of corruption you might ask?

Below are 5 causes of corruption in Nigeria.

1. Poverty

Corruption fuelled by poverty often occurs when the basic need of the common man has not been met. The poor often becomes desperate and engages in corrupt practices.

When there is poor remuneration and compensation in the system, it breeds unsatisfied workers. These works become easily swayed and engage in illegal acquisition of compensation. This can be curbed if the entire labour remuneration system is overhauled to fit the high standard of living in society today.

2. Acceptance of Corruption  by the Populace

This is often the case where we see individuals who have been convicted of corruption with public titles and awards. This sends an underlying message and in the eyes of the public there is the feeling that “if Mr.

A was corrupt and still got an award or title, then there is nothing wrong in engaging in corruption”. Public perception plays a large role in shaping the future of corruption in Nigeria today. If the public says “NO” to corruption then individuals will think twice before engaging in it.

3. Weak Government Institutions

When there is a weak political and legal institution in the society, corruption is given the opportunity to thrive.

Also, when the bureaucracy causes delays in passing of budgets and things such as supplies including salaries are delayed, worker tend to start thinking of other ways to substitute their income and this paves way for corruption.

The situation is further worsened if the legal arm fails to catch up with corrupt public officers and this practice finds its way into the private sector and eventually the entire society.

4. Greed

When the desire for accumulation of wealth becomes widespread then corruption is eminent. Political positions are often tagged as been associated with power and wealth due to the huge amounts of funds allocated to political office holders.

Therefore, a greedy individual perceives the attainment of a political post as a means to more wealth. The desire to continue holding the political office is high and they would often result to do anything possible to maintain that position. This includes engaging in corrupt practices.

5. Poor Education and Illiteracy

When the number of educated persons in a society is high they will be gainfully employed and will have a good understanding of the consequence of corruption. They will also be able to hold their public officer to account and demand transparency in the rule of law.

Corruption fuels ignorance and the class of people that are poverty stricken is the poorly educated and illiterate. They are often desperate to get out of their status quo and are easily influenced by way of bribes. This has become the norm as it is often said that you need to “settle” to get things done.

A sincere Government and legal system will go a long way in curbing corruption. Public officers who engage in corruption should be brought to book and this will serve as deterrent to others.

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