Digital Marketing In Nigeria: The Present and The Future

What the future holds

Mr. Jesse Soleil, the Executive President of Digital Agency Porter Novelli, had projected that the Nigerian digital market will surely hit $10 billion by year 2020. He made this known during his five-day visit to Nigeria. He believed this will be possible if brands and marketing communication professionals can incorporate simple marketing ideas in their overall marketing strategy. He believed combining the Linked Prospect with digital marketing will go a long way in promoting the Nigerian ecommerce industry.

Despite the limitation pointed out above, the exponential growth in Nigerian digital market is not in doubt. Truth is digital marketing in Nigeria is here to stay. Many more of the Nigerian population will come it trust in the Nigerian ecommerce to deliver their goods and services as and when due.

Important factors

One of the factors that will push the Nigerian FiveChannels digital marketing agency to the next phase of growth is competition. There are quite a number of them out there today with each one trying to outdo the other in service delivery and customer satisfaction. This trend is bound to continue and one can only expect great growth ad transformation in the nearest future, just like the Nigerian telecommunication industry is experiencing change and growth.

One factor that may militate against the Nigerian digital market is the safety of online payment platforms. The ecommerce companies will have to improve on this to make the dream of a future exponential growth a reality. The Nigerian digital market will equally have to expand its reach and make global payment possible. Anyone who thinks ecommerce in Nigeria is just a fad will be making a grave mistake; it is actually the future!

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