Types of Grasses in Nigeria

Grasses are found in every region of Nigeria. Some are planted for food or decoration, while others grow on their own and become harmful to other plants. Some grasses are even medicinal and can be used to treat some ailments. In this article, the types of grasses found in Nigeria would be addressed.

Types of Grasses in Nigeria

The types of grasses in Nigeria would be discussed below:

  • Bahama Grass

The botanical name for Bahama grass is Cynadan dactylon. This grass has its origin traced to Europe. It is a type of grass that is found in Nigeria. The Bahama grass can be used for several purposes. This plant can be used to treat constipation as well as diabetes because it possesses healing properties. This grass contains components such as fibre, calcium, phosphorus, and others. These components make it nutritious food for grazing animals.

  • Elephant Grass

The botanical name for Pennisetum purpureum. Elephant grass is also known as Uganda grass or sometimes Napier grass. Gone are the days when elephant grass was used just as feed for grazing animals, these days elephant grass is planted next to other crops with the sole aim of fighting against pests. Elephant grass also protects the soil from erosion and also enhances soil productivity. If it is planted close to maize with the sole purpose of protecting the maize plant from moths.

  • African Feather Grass

The botanical name for this grass is Cenchrus macrourus. African Feather grass is a perennial grass also known as veld or bedding grass. This grass has deep fibrous roots and leaves that look ribbed and strong. If the stem of the African feather grass is being touched, it can cause skin irritation. This grass can grow anywhere irrespective of the weather and topography of the soil. African feather grass can be used as feed for grazing animals.

  • Carpet Grass

The botanical name for this grass is Axonopus compressus. Unlike other grasses, carpet grass blossoms well when grown in wet soil. The carpet grass is also not resistant to shade. If as a farmer, you are facing the challenge of erosion, you should consider planting carpet grass, as it helps to fight erosion. Carpet grass can be grown on any land irrespective of soil fertility. Carpet grass can be planted in walkways, parks and other locations, for decoration. They can also be used as feed for grazing animals.

  • Buffalo Grass

The botanical name for Buffalo grass is Stenotaphrum secundatum. Buffalo grass can be found in tropical America and African countries. The leaves of the grass are rough looking. The grass is a perennial plant with long and thick red stems. Buffalo grass can survive any weather. It can grow even in the dry season. It is mostly found in empty lands, coastal areas, and shrubland. Also, this grass does not want shade.

  • Couch Grass

The botanical name for couch grass is Digitaria abyssinica. Couch grass is a perennial grass. The leaves of this grass are bluish-green and they are long in size. Couch grass possesses roots that form a kind of mat beneath the soil, hence making the grass not suitable to be seen close to crops.

  • Spear Grass

The botanical name for spear grass is Imperata cylindrica. Speargrass is a type of grass that grows to become very beautiful and tall. It also has fluffy flowers and slim stems. Speargrass is considered a harmful plant in Nigeria as it is harmful to other plants if it grows together with them, whereas in other countries it is used for decoration.

  • Nut Grass

The botanical name for nutgrass is Cyperus rotundus. This grass got its name from the fact that it has stems that look like nuts. Nutgrass is a very stubborn grass to get rid of. They can grow in any weather condition, but preferably dry weather. This grass can be used as feed for grazing animals.

  • Nuke-doh

The botanical name for this plant is Tridax procumbers. This plant is a weed found in Nigeria. It is very medicinal. People believe that it could be used to treat diabetes as it possesses healing properties. If you want to get rid of this plant, it could be a difficult task as the plant is hard to get rid of.

  • Siam Weed

The botanical name for this plant is Chromolaena odorata. Siam weed is also known as the devil weed. If you allow land to fallow for a while, this plant is bound to grow in the land. This particular plant prevents other weeds from growing properly on the land thereby making it difficult to do away with.

  • Milkweed

The botanical name for this plant is Euphorbia heterophylla. Milkweed is a plant that brings out a milky substance when it is cut. This is why it is known as milkweed. Milkweed can cause dermatitis in people who react to latex hence the need to handle the plant with extreme care. The plant also has flowers.

  • Creeping Foxglove

The botanical name for this plant is Asystasia gangetica. Creeping foxglove are plants that can be found growing by the roadside and in refuse dumps. This plant can be used as medicine hence making it unharmful to humans and other plants. It has a beautiful colour.

  • Wild Sunflower

The botanical name for this plant is Aspilia africana. Wild sunflower as a plant has several benefits and purposes. If you get injured, the plant can be used to treat the wounds and also stop the bleeding. Another fact about wild sunflowers is that they can be used to treat scorpions and bee stings.

  • Yellow Justicia

The botanical name for this plant is Justicia flava. It is mostly found in our compounds and refuse dump sites. This plant is edible as it can be used to cook soups and make vegetable salt. The plant as a whole can be used as medicine as it possesses healing properties.

  • African Club Moss

The botanical name for this plant is Selaginella kraussiana. This African club moss plant is truly African and has an attractive look.