Many Nigerians do not fancy indoor plants because it is assumed these things are meant for the outdoors but there is definitely no rule to nature. Indoor plants serve as decorations by making a space look naturally beautiful. Aside from their aesthetic purposes, it has been scientifically proven that indoor plants help to improve the air quality of our interior spaces. They do this by detoxifying our indoor air so we get to breathe toxic-free air in the comfort of our homes. Psychologists also say indoor plants are mood boosters and stress relievers. Many think indoor plants are expensive. However, the good news is that many of these plants are low maintenance and will not cost you much.
Read more, to know more about plants that grow under pine trees.
Below are houseplants that are best as indoor plants, easy to take care of while beautifying the house and effectively purifying the air.
Aloe Vera Plant
Aloe Vera is not a strange plant in Nigeria. The gel of the aloe plant is very popular for its healing properties in cuts and skin burns. However, this plant can also help monitor the quality of air in your home. It is so effective that it can help you get rid of air pollutants found in chemical cleaning products used at home. In fact, when there is excess toxin in the air, the leaves of the Aloe Vera plant start to have brown spots. Thus, it purifies the air and helps to alleviate syndromes caused by common irritants in the home or office. Aloe Vera Plant does not require frequent watering. It however should be kept by a window so that it can receive indirect sunlight. Aloe Vera Plant thrives at room temperature.
Dumb Cane Plant
The Dumb cane plant (common name) is also known as the Dieffenbachia plant. It has green and yellow/white leaves and is commonly seen in homes, gardens, parks, and offices. It is very ideal for small spaces as it helps to eliminate toxins and clear the air. It is a tropical houseplant so it thrives in a relatively warm, humid spot with a lot of light but can do well with low lights too. Please note: Some people are allergic to the Dumb Cane plant. It is also advisable you keep it away from children. The dumb Cane Plant when ingested can cause temporary speechlessness due to extensive saliva production and swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue, and throat. These effects wear out after a couple of days. The Dumb Cane Plant does not require frequent watering but must be watered deeply. When the air is too dry, the Dumb Cane Plant leaves will start to have brown tips.
Mother-in-law’s Tongue
Mother-in-law’s Tongue also known as Snake Plant is one of the most remarkable plants native to Nigeria. The plant leaves are usually tall, stiff and vertical, but come in different shapes and sizes. Snake Plant is particularly low maintenance. It does not require frequent watering but must be watered deeply whenever it is watered. They also do not need much air or water to survive, so you can place them in any corner of your home. A fascinating fact about the Snake Plant is that it absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen at night, this makes it such an excellent air purifier. Snake Plant can go for about a month without any water.
Many do not believe that Orchids can be grown in Nigeria. There is something particularly different about the Orchid Plant that sets it apart from other flowers. They are elegant and look so heavenly when they bloom. Every Orchid Plant has its special color but all of them are beautiful. These captivating plants will add a touch of class to your interior. They however require lots of care and attention to thrive. Orchids thrive in sunshine. A good spot for the Orchid Plant will be the living room which tends to get the most sunlight in your home. However, do not place an Orchid Plant under direct sunlight or under artificial light.
Golden Palm Plant
Golden Palm is also known as bamboo palms or areca palms. The Golden palm has feathers and arching fonds. It has been recorded by the National American Scientific Association to be one of the 10 most effective plants at removing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from indoor air. In interior spaces, it can grow up to 6-7ft tall. You should grow the Golden Palm Plant in a large pot. It should also be groomed in a partly shaded place for its first few weeks before being moved to space with more light, though filtered or indirect light. Golden Palm plant is best put in entrance halls and corners. Note: The Golden Palm Plant grown really tall but pruning does more damage than good. So when it does grow tall, it is best to replace it with a younger plant.
Peace Lily Plant
Peace Lily is yet another beautiful indoor plant particularly because of its pretty white flowers. The Peace lily can thrive even in stuffy indoor conditions. It is also very easy to transplant which makes it easy to have many of it in your home. It helps to add color and a look of class to your interior space. Its white flowers help to make a space look peaceful. The Peace Lily Plant is best used in minimalist designs. What is more? Some species of the Peace Lily plant are said to emit a subtle pleasing fragrance. The Peace Lily Plant requires a very little amount of water and light to thrive.
Weeping Fig Plant
Weeping Fig is a perfect indoor plant for the Nigerian climate. It grows as a large broadleaf green tree. It is a low-maintenance plant but needs bright, though indirect sunlight to thrive. It also helps to purify the air. However, the Weeping Fig Plant does not do very well under cold air so do not place it close to an air conditioner. The weeping fig needs plenty of indirect light to thrive. It also does not do well when it is constantly being moved around. It begins to shed its ever-green leaves. While it does not need much water, you must steadily keep its soil moist.