10 Most Mysterious Places in Nigeria 

Several places in Nigeria have been regarded as mysterious based on how unique they might be or some local folklore around those places that the locals hold dear. In this article, we will discuss the 10 most mysterious places in Nigeria. As you read on, you learn what makes each of the listed places mysterious, some other attributes and where they are located in Nigeria. 

10 Most Mysterious Places in Nigeria 

The 10 most mysterious places in Nigeria would be discussed below: 

  • Snake Island, Lagos State

If you’re just hearing of Snake Island for the first time, you may think it’s an island with so many snakes. But that’s not the reason why it is so named.  The reason for its name is derived from the snake-like nature of the communities that make up the island. 

Aside from the mysterious name Snake Island, the island has managed to maintain its characteristic rustic awe for so many despite how fast Lagos is experiencing rapid urbanization. 

  • Blue River (Azumini River), Abia State

Right from primary school as well as in primary school, we’ve learnt water is nearly colourless (if not totally). But if you took a trip to the Azumini River in the Umuahia Ibeku area of Abia state and sailed down the river, you’ll notice the blue colour of the river strike your eyes.

Just around this stunning clear and blue river are lush greeneries and the infamous Azumini Hill where the founders of Azumini were believed to have settled after leaving present-day Ijaw.  

  • Agbokim Waterfall, Cross River State

In Etung local government area of Cross River state is a mysterious place named Agbokim Waterfall. With an alluring collection of seven cascades rushing over a cliff, the Agbokim Waterfall creates an impressive seven-part waterfall.  

In rainy seasons when the volume of water is full-blown, you’d notice that the waterfall produces a beautiful blend of rainbow colours. More so, you’d get to walk down prehistoric steps that lead you past the abundance of flora to a flowing stream, as well as a miniature cave, among other attractions.   

  • River Niger and Benue, Kogi State

The rivers Niger and Benue hold the record for being the longest in the western part of the African continent. In addition to the popularity that comes with the length of these rivers, both rivers form a “Y” shaped confluence that flows into the Atlantic ocean. If you look at the Nigerian Coat of Arms, you’d notice the confluence of the River Niger and Benue symbolised as the “Y” sign. 

  • Ogba Ukwu Waterfall and Cave, Anambra State

Many rank the Ogba Ukwu as the largest cave in the western part of Africa.  Aside from being the largest cave in West Africa, the Ogba Ukwu cave has unique and roomy compartments enough to accommodate an entire village. It would take you over two hours to explore this cave. 

There are also several other attractions around the vicinity of the Ogba Ukwu Cave such as a massive dome and a magnificent waterfall. This location is on the verge of becoming one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites.

  • Riyom Rock, Plateau State 

In Riyom local government area of Plateau state is one of the most mysterious sights in Nigeria known as Riyom Rock. The rock. The Riyom Rock comprises several large detached boulders which for thousands of years have delicately balanced on top of each other. Another mysterious attribute of the Riyom Rock is the fact it takes the shape of the map of the Plateau state when you view it from a certain angle. 

  • Ado-Awaye Mountains Suspended Lake, Oyo State

In the whole of Africa, the Ado-Awaye lake is the only known suspended lake. Only one other suspended lake exists in the world. This has made this a thriving tourist location in Oyo state with many people trooping in to see how the lake suspends on the crest of rocks. The natural environment of the Ado-Awaye Suspended lake comprises huge rocks that go up several hundreds of feet above sea level, teeming biodiversity and an abundance of picturesque backdrops for tourists’ pictures, especially when you climb the top of the big rocks around.  

  • Ogbunike Cave, Anambra State 

In a valley surrounded by tropical rainforest in Anambra state is the Ogbunike Cave. The inhabitants of the community where this cave is located have for centuries used this place for spiritual upliftment. 

Walking through Ogbunike Cave can be a wonderful experience as you’d come across streams, a waterfall and ten tunnels that lead to exciting adventures to enjoy. More so, this cave is home to a colony of bats. The Ogbunike Cave is a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

  • The Obudu Holy Mountain, Cross River State

Located in the Obudu Cattle Ranch in Cross River state is a 520 ft high mountain known as the Holy Mountain. It was discovered by missionaries who went there for prayers, hence the name “Holy Mountain”. Although going to the top of the Holy Mountain using a bike or cab would take you through the 22 bends which can be sometimes scary, it presents the opportunity to sightsee, pray or have a quiet time. You may also use the cable cab to get to the top of the mountain.  

Moreso, the sub-temperate climate of the Holy Mountain which fluctuates between 15°C and 23°C makes it generally cold all the time. Aside from the Holy Mountain, other amazing natural attractions include a mini waterfall and a natural swimming pool. 

  • Zuma Rock 

Zuma Rock is a majestic monolith that reaches up to 725 metres above the ground. A mysterious attribute of Zuma Rock that makes it popular among many is that a side of the monolith seemingly has a natural contour of a human face. The widespread popularity and history associated with the rock earned it a place on the N100 bill.

Zuma rock is situated along the Abuja-Kaduna Expressway, Madala in Niger state. You wouldn’t miss the imposing size and height of the Zuma rock when you ply that road.