Those Getting Jobs In Oil Companies, Multinationals, And Other High-paying Firms Are NOT Necessarily Better Than You Are. Now, You Can Learn Why They’re Getting Those Juicy Jobs And You’re Not Getting Any…
In this life-changing post, you’ll learn how to get access to the secret techniques for getting your dream job in the highly competitive Nigerian labour market — as revealed by seasoned Nigerian HR professionals and hiring managers.
Dear Job Seeker,
About 6 or 7 years ago, when you tried to picture where you’ll be by this year, what did you see?
You saw yourself working with a reputable company and earning a fat salary, right? And riding a nice car, and living very fine, right?
Hmm… But now, reality doesn’t seem to agree with those dreams.
You still haven’t gotten the job you want—even after you might have submitted more-than-countable job applications and attended several job interviews.
You’re still unable to implement those big plans have for your life. And you’re still not financially capable to play “big brother/sister” to your younger siblings and relatives.
Your parents haven’t really started enjoying the fruits of their hard labour, and yet, you probably still fall back on them for some financial assistance.
And you’re getting tired of being asked questions like, “So, what are you doing now?” because your fretful lips have no other answer than “I’m still searching…” or “I’m still managing at…”
In fact, your dream job seems to exist only in your dreams.
And your hopes of getting that dream job die with each passing day—no thanks to the ever-increasing number of graduates and the ever-reducing number of available jobs.
Here’s the bottom line…
NOT having a good job makes you feel bad.
It sucks.
It makes you feel like you have no power or control over your life.
It creates a feeling of low self-esteem that slows down every other aspect of your life.
And it leads you to feeling like a FAILURE as an ADULT.
If I may ask, do you know why you’ve not gotten a good job yet?
I know you’re likely to give responses like:
- “I’m not connected.”
- “My CGPA was quite low.”
- “I think the course I studied isn’t just marketable.”
- “I think I’m just unlucky.”
But do you know why all these reasons are pure lies?
Your schoolmates are landing the same good jobs you’ve been dying to get. Even those who left school years after you did are getting these jobs. (And I’m sure you’d have met or heard about one or two of such “lucky” people.)
And in reality…
Most of them had no connections. Many of them had CGPAs that were way below yours. And many of them studied courses that you’d think are not relevant to the jobs they got. Yet, they got the lucrative jobs you’ve been craving.
Now, let me tell you the truth…
My friend, it’s not always about connections, or your CGPA, or the course you studied.
It’s about doing things the right way.
The reason you’ve not gotten your dream job yet is, you’re not doing some things right. And as a result, you’re losing your chances to those who are doing those things right. Period!
You won’t get the high-paying job you always wanted if you’re looking for it using the traditional approach adopted by 99% of people…especially with the HUGE competition out there.
You know what I mean? It is the approach where you send out a bunch of generic CVs to openly advertised positions, hoping that one of them will fall on “fertile ground.”
This approach will only drain your energy and get you more and more frustrated.
And even if this faulty approach works, it doesn’t work for high-paying jobs.
I doubt whether it even works for getting ordinary jobs anymore.
Now, aside that your CV ends up in the trash bin because it sucks and looks generic, here are other reasons why others are getting the good jobs and you’re not getting any:
- You’re not looking in the right places for good job vacancies
- Your application letter is poor, boring, and unprofessional.
- You perform very woefully in job aptitude tests
- When you’re luckily invited for interviews, you blow your chances with avoidable blunders
- You don’t know exactly what impresses hiring managers in job applications
If you really know how to get all these things right, you’ll get the job of your dreams, and you’ll start living the kind of life you always wanted.
But you won’t get this knowledge by osmosis. You have to learn it.
Now, You Can Learn Foolproof Tactics For Quickly Getting The Lucrative And Highly Fulfilling Job Of Your Dreams (Here In Nigeria)
If you’re ready to say goodbye to your worries of not getting a fulfilling, high-paying job—and give yourself the priceless skill of being able to get your dream job in the highly competitive Nigerian market… stop being dependent… and live the good life you always wanted… then I have some exciting news for you…
I have put together an entire, one-of-a-kind ebook titled “How to Get Your Dream Job in Nigeria”… and it’s going to turn your world around in ways you can hardly imagine.
This book is NOT only designed to educate you on the never-before-revealed secrets and techniques of getting a fulfilling, high-paying job…
…But it will also completely IMPLANT the skills you need to get your dream job into your mind, brain, and personality… and make them a PERMANENT part of you.
Here are some of the things you’ll learn in the 92-page ebook:
- How to craft an attention-grabbing CV that stands out from the crowd and gets you an interview invitation.
- How and where to find lucrative job opportunities that others may not even know about (you won’t find many of them in newspapers).
- How to identify job vacancy scams that are out to waste your time, raise your hopes, and steal your money.
- How to tailor your CV to suit any job position so that it beats other CVs hands-down.
- How to write a powerful application letter that fascinates the employer and makes them develop instant interest in you.
- How to properly send an application via email.
- How to get a job even when you’re not fully qualified for it (no connections needed).
- How to easily pass a job aptitude test.
- Mistakes you must avoid when applying for a job.
- How to prepare adequately for a job interview.
- Tips for dazzling at a job interview—and getting the job eventually.
- 15 interview questions you can’t escape, and how to answer them brilliantly.
- What interviewers expect from you during interviews (as revealed by a seasoned interviewer)
- Interview mistakes that could cost you the job
- And lots more on how you can impress hiring managers with your application and compel them to hire you—with practical examples to guide you.
NOTE: All these tips were “leaked” by seasoned recruiters and hiring managers that I met during my research. They include:
- Mr Kolawole Nasir (HR professional in the Oil and Gas Industry)
- Mr Henry Ejike (HR professional in the Banking Industry)
- Mr Suraj “Jarus” Oyewole (Seasoned career blogger with huge HR experience in the Nigerian banking and oil industries)
- And two others whose names are better not published for professional reasons.
If you would love to gain access to these valuable pieces of information right now…
Order your copy of How to Get Your Dream Job in Nigeria, and you’ll get the 92-page, no-fluff, easy-to-read, eye-opening, and interesting ebook in PDF format (so, you can read on your PC, tablet, or smartphone).
Please note that the book is ONLY available in the electronic (PDF) version. So, no hard copies for now.
You’ll also get two bonus packages:
Bonus #1: CV Samples and Templates
This is a collection of CV templates and samples that you can use as a guide when writing your own CV.
This is a collection of job aptitude test questions and answers on verbal reasoning, numerical tests, mathematics, and abstract reasoning. The pack will help you prepare adequately for aptitude tests, as it contains over 200 practice questions.
How much does the ebook cost?
Now, I want to help you get this part of your life handled so that you would permanently bring joy and prosperity into your life, and I don’t want ANYTHING to stand in your way… including your present financial situation.
So I’ve decided to price this ebook at…
just N2,000
You’d agree with me that…
- The CV writing aspect alone is worth more than N5,000 (that’s the least price you’ll pay to hire a professional CV writer)
- The job interview tips aspect alone is worth more than N4,000 (that’s the least ticket fee for seminars on the topic)
- The bonus worths more than N6,000 each.
You can do the calculation for yourself, and you’d see that I’ve been very fair with the pricing.
So, N2,000 is not too much at all.
You’ll be paying just N2,000 for this ebook and the added bonus.
This is how to buy the ebook…
Simply pay cash (N2,000) in the bank or transfer the payment to me through any of these three bank accounts:
- GTB / 011 2939 879 / TORIOLA ABASS
- Access Bank / 001 525 4063 / TORIOLA ABASS
- Zenith Bank / 210 011 7718 / ABASS ADEOLA TORIOLA
After paying, send an email containing your payment details to
The details to be sent are:
- Your full name
- Amount paid
- Bank
- Deposit slip number
- Date of payment
- Telephone number
Once I confirm payment, I’ll send you an email containing the ebook and the accompanying bonuses within 12 hours.
This is your opportunity to learn how to beat others to those lucrative jobs. Grab it now—with both hands.
Still skeptical? OK, read what people are saying about the ebook below…
As a respected Nigerian career blogger, I receive emails from time to time from people on job and career matters. When I received an email from one Abass Toriola couple of months back, hinting me on a book he was writing on getting jobs in Nigeria, I must confess I dismissed it as just another book to be added to the thousands that existed on the subject. Not even his excellent use of English that immediately caught my attention in the long email made me give him benefit of doubt.
Fast-forward to two months later and Abass got back to me with a copy of the book. Flipping through the pages, I was dazed. It is an excellent work. It was different from the run-of-the-mill materials that litter the blogosphere on the subject. My problem with many materials on jobs in Nigeria is inability of the authors to localize the content. Rather, what we have are outright regurgitation of foreign system. I set out to pick this hole in Abass’ work as a critic, but it was an exercise in futility. He did his homework well.
The book is rich in local examples. He buttresses his points with practical examples, a breakaway from theories that dominate many such efforts in the past. He fully demonstrated knowledge of Nigerian job markets, which he must have gotten through thorough research. He also spoke with top recruiters of labour. In fact, it was in the course of reaching out to top Nigerian career consultants that he got in touch with me. I never knew him before.
HOW TO GET YOUR DREAM JOB IN NIGERIA is indeed a material I will recommend to students, job seekers and even those with jobs already.
Suraj Oyewale (Jarus), ACA
Founder, – Nigeria’s most influential career portal
Hundreds of jobs openings spring up in Nigeria daily, yet many job seekers can’t get them because they’re unemployable.
If you’re one of such persons or you hate to join them soon, “How To Get Your Dream Job in Nigeria” by Toriola Abass, is the hands-on guide you need. It will tell you in exact terms, what to do and what to shun, to stand out from the crowd.
Muhammed Tosin Abdullahi
And here are screenshots of appreciation emails I got from some of those who have bought and read the ebook:
100% money-back guarantee: In case you’re not satisfied with the ebook…
If, for any reason, you’re not satisfied with the ebook after reading it, or you think you’ve gained nothing from it, contact me for a full refund of your money.
Yes, I’ll send your money back to your account. No hard feelings. I’m only taking this risk because I’m confident that this ebook will help you.
If you have any questions concerning this ebook or your purchase, you can send an email to:, and I’ll be happy to respond. Better yet, call me on 0806 235 7604.
Now, get this clearly…
This book isn’t for every job seeker; it’s for ONLY those who really want to get a good job and start living fine. It’s for ONLY those who prefer a blissful future over sitting idle and wasting years of their life. If you think you’re one of them, get your copy ASAP!
There’s no better time than RIGHT NOW to start improving your life with a fulfilling and well-paying job, and this is the most powerful ebook available to help you do it.
So, follow the instructions above and buy your copy now.
Your friend,
Abass Toriola.
P.S. The techniques taught in this ebook are not available anywhere else, as they were leaked by seasoned interviewers and recruiters. By buying this ebook right now and starting to follow the steps outlined in it, you’ll IMMEDIATELY start seeing better results with subsequent job applications. You’ll start getting calls for interviews and you’ll start acing interviews and landing job offers. So, buy your copy now.
P.P.S. If you do not buy this ebook now, nothing will change. You will most likely continue to apply for jobs using erroneous techniques, and you will most likely continue to get the same results–disappointments! But if you want to get a fulfilling high-paying job that allows you to live the lifestyle of your dreams, buy this ebook now.